Monthly Archives: May 2021

If The Racist Shoe Fits, Lightfoot…

If there was any doubt that this China virus…Wuhan Flu…COVID crapola is behind us, look no further than last weekend’s PGA Championship in South Carolina.

Absolutely monstrous crowds, packed in like drunken sardines, shoulder to shoulder, hardly a mask to be found.   

Like J Lo galvanting on the beach…a beautiful sight, indeed.  Sans A-Rod, of course

TAKE THAT!!!  Biden, Comma-La, Fauci, Marxist Governors…and the rest of you science denying, authoritarian A-Holes that still prance around outside, virtue-signaling alone in a field, donning seven layers of big dopey masks.

Effing idiots.

Anyway…I can’t invoke last week’s PGA Championship without congratulating Phil Mickelson for not only his epic victory, but becoming the oldest dude to ever win a major golf tournament…just a few weeks shy of his 51st birthday.

Chalk one up for the old farts.  Now pass the Metamucil. Continue reading

Oy Vey!

Ah, so many Biden clusterf*cks on which to opine, so little time.

You see, reversing  EVERYTHING Trump did, when EVERYTHING Trump did worked out quite swimmingly, thank you very much, was quite the retarded strategy, and doomed from the get-go, like a defective condom.


Anyway…speaking of clusterf*cks, there’s no bigger clusterf*ck in the Milky Way than the Hatfields and McCoys of the Middle East, the Israelis and the Palestinians.


I know, I know…not a sexy subject like Lady Gaga and the meat dress she rocked at the 2010 MTV Video Music Awards.

But a subject that has always stuck in my craw. Continue reading

Help Wanted

Desperate times call for desperate measures.  True dat.

This was evidenced last week, when Biden’s handlers…which purportedly includes his day nurse…shoved him out in front of the cameras to squint and stutter his way through the usual myriad of left wing lies loaded into his teleprompter, sporting the usual extremely oversized font.

AND even take a few questions from his fawning, butt-smooching press.

They are typically loathe to expose Biden like this.  And we all know why.  Shit, can you blame them?  The desperation was palpable, to say the least.

But this is the kind of thing that happens when economists are expecting almost a million jobs in the newly released jobs report…but you come in at 266,000.

A swing and a miss of epic proportions…like if I stepped to the plate against Tom Seaver in his prime.  Uh…OK…even NOT in his prime. 

Continue reading

Great Scott!

They say it’s the worst job in Washington.

No, not the poor schmuck that gives Pelosi her Brazilian wax and exfoliates her disgusting feet.

I think I MAY have just broken the Guinness Book record for causing the most people to hurl simultaneously.

Actually, it’s the poor sacrificial lamb that draws the short straw, and has to give the opposition party response to the Presidential State of the Union.

Hard to compete with the optics of the majesty of a speech delivered by the President of the United States from the House Chamber to a joint session of Congress, when you’re sitting in a quiet room all by yourself…well, except for some yawning camera guy binge eating Funyuns.

Often unmitigated disasters.  Sometimes career enders.  Until now.

If you haven’t yet seen South Carolina Republican Senator Tim Scott’s response…IN ITS ENTIRETY…you need to. Continue reading