Black Lives Killed By White Cops Matter

For some reason, I always seem to be the guy that shines a blinding bright light on the elephant in the room.  Actually, I kind of revel in it.

I am sort of a sick bastard that way.  Almost a fetish.  Not THAT kind of fetish.  Although the potential is there.

And this surprises precisely nobody that knows me.

So…Have you ever noticed that when a police officer tragically shoots and kills an “unarmed” black person, said black person pretty much always has escalated the situation to such a chaotic and dangerous level, that bad shit inevitably happens?

Ya know…forcibly resisting arrest, fleeing, beating on the cop and reaching for his weapon, not obeying commands after like 15 chances…that sort of stuff.

Not a popular thing to say out loud.  A big fat elephant, to be sure.  (Insert Michael Moore joke here:  ________________).

This is unequivocally NOT to say anyone “deserved it,” nor excuse cops from wrongdoing…like that maniac Derek Chauvin…but goddammit, when the media consistently whitewashes this crucial piece of information and purposely fails to give the TOTALITY of the story, it simply shoves their sick Leftist agenda up everyone’s ass, and shoots a big friggin’ flamethrower at the already raging divisiveness inferno.

But it’s FAR worse.  After initial, narrative-dripping reports come out, that senile dumbass Biden changes out of his jammies to immediately find a microphone and spew a bunch of woke drivel about SYSTEMIC RACISM!, with that phony, America-Hating potted plant of a VP, Comma La Harris, standing robotically behind him.

Both donning big, stupid, triple-layered masks after being vaccinated and standing a mile apart.

Can we PLEASE dispense with the masks being used as political props?  If you legitimately need’em…wonderful.  Otherwise, just stop the effing nonsense.  You’re embarrassing yourselves.

But I digress.

Anyway, the police shooting last week in Columbus, OH of a 16-year-old girl, Ma’Khia Bryant, was two things…absolutely tragic and absolutely justified.

And thank God there was plenty of video proving it.

Not that THAT matters to the media or the White House.  You see, to those subversive jerk-offs, their big lie narrative of police indiscriminately murdering blacks is like a clean diaper, and the video evidence is a baby crapping in it.

You all know what happened, but briefly…the cops were called to a disturbance where someone was threatening people with a knife.  The cop first on the scene had precisely NINE SECONDS from the time he arrived to assess the situation, and shoot a suspect that was a millisecond away from plunging the business end of a knife into the body of a young girl.  Saved her life.

Both girls were black.

N I N E.  S E C O N D S.

This cop deserves a f*cking medal, does he not?  Anyone that disagrees with that is a massive hypocrite and can F Off as far as I’m concerned.

Because if it was YOUR LOVED ONE that he saved from a knife plunging into the heart, then you’d be singing a very different tune.

Funny how police video only matters to Lefty Loons when they THINK it juices the phony racism narrative.

Then comes the….wait for it…wait for it…inevitable leg-wetting, asinine tweets from the Desperate Assholes of Woketopia, destroying this cop who had the sheer audacity to SAVE THE LIFE OF A BLACK GIRL.

Enter Woke Baller LeBron James…a near-billionaire who is obviously the first person that comes to mind when thinking of victims of “systemic racism.”  How, oh how, does one human being withstand such daily, bone-crushing oppression?

Unfortunately, nobody can get past his army of private security, or over his 50 foot, 15th century racist wall, to get close enough to his $100 million mansion to ask him.

Maybe someday.  As always, hope springs eternal.

Hey…Bet you never heard of Jaslyn Adams.

She’s the little 7-year-old black girl shot and killed in Chicago on April 18th in an attempted carjacking by a black man, while sitting in a McDonalds drive-thru with her Dad, who was wounded in the attack.

Never even got that Happy Meal.  Scratch that…UNHAPPY Meal.

And like the thousands…yes, thousands…of black-on-black homicides each year…led by the killing fields of Chicago…nobody gives a damn.

Yeah.  That’s right.

No national media.  No BLM marches.  No Al Sharpton.  No LeBron James dumbass tweets.  And no race-baiting ambulance chasers like Attorney Ben Crump, who appears out of thin air EVERY TIME an “unarmed” black person is killed by a cop.

Man, I’d love to have just a fraction of that dude’s frequent flyer miles.

Unarmed blacks killed by cops in a year?  Hundreds?  Thousands?  Nah.

Usually 15 or 20.  So say the FBI stats.  All tragic, and one is too many.  If reforms in policing are necessary, I’m ALL for it.

But EVERYONE knows where the REAL epidemic lies.

And if that knife wielding 16-year-old black chick actually succeeded in killing that other black chick, I’d be writing a whole different blog this week, ‘cause nobody would have known a goddamn thing about it.

The moral of the story?  The self-described Marxists of BLM really need to change their name to “BLACK LIVES KILLED BY WHITE COPS MATTER.”

Because it’s quite evident the thousands NOT killed by white cops don’t.

Yep.  BLKBWCM.  Not as pithy, but WAY, WAY more accurate.

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