Mob Justice

We’re all sick to death of the George Floyd trial.  I know I am, at least.

Not to minimize the significance and enormity of it…but enough is enough.  Picture a leaking, dripping, heavy sponge.  Totally saturated.  That’s how I feel.

Believe me…the last thing I want to do is opine about it.  But I will because I almost feel like I have to.

And I will hate every goddamn minute of it more than Bush 41 hates broccoli…

Not going to regurgitate the facts of the case…but safe to assume most agree Officer Chauvin was guilty…of something.  Murder?  Manslaughter?

The jury came back in a flash with a guilty verdict on all counts.  Having sat on three juries myself…including a 1st degree murder case and a rape case…I learned not to second guess juries from afar.

OK, except for the O.J. jury.   Sorry, Juice.

I watched a lot of the trial…but not all of it.  My feeling was that this had a manslaughter conviction…NOT murder…written all over it.  Particularly after seeing the Defense case presented.  But I respect the verdict of the jury.  

Anyway, here’s the problem…

This case is barreling towards an appeal like a car with no brakes…but it didn’t have to be.

If there was EVER a case that screamed for a change of venue…THIS WAS IT.

If there was EVER a case that screamed for a sequestered jury…THIS WAS IT.

If not for THIS case…then when?  The Defense obviously lobbied for these things, but was denied.   

Could a fair and impartial jury EVER have been assembled in Minneapolis?  Could the jury NOT be prejudiced with full access to news coverage and social media…despite admonishions by the Judge to avoid?

And to make an appeal even MORE of a certainty…enter probably the dumbest, most horrible, vile, racial arsonist on the planet.

No, NOT Al Sharpton.  The one WITHOUT a penis.

As far as we know.

Low IQ Maxine Waters.  “”Low” in this context being the understatement of the millennium.

To call her a piece of shit would be to show great disrespect to pieces of shit.

This nauseating dumbass, with a long, rich history of stoking racial and political violence…a California Congresswoman who has zero f*cking right to stick her disgusting nose so directly in Minnesota’s business..inexplicably drags her fat keister all the way there…BEFORE the end of the trial…armed guards in tow, to throw gasoline on an already raging racial inferno…

We’ve got to stay in the street and demand justice…we’ve got to get more confrontational.  We’ve got to make sure that they know that we mean business.”

If you don’t see the jury intimidation and incitement of violence in THAT, you’re not paying attention.

One dude that WAS paying attention was Peter Cahill, the presiding judge on the Floyd trial…and no right-winger, once working for Dem Senator Amy Klobuchar…

I’ll give you that Congresswoman Waters may have given you something on appeal that may result in this whole trial being overturned.  I wish elected officials would stop talking about this case, especially in a manner that is disrespectful to the rule of law…I think if they want to give their opinions, they should do so…in a manner that is consistent with their oath to the Constitution…Their failure to do so…is abhorrent.”

So, it appears the country has dodged a bullet…literally…and the riotous Far Left mobs will “spare” cities…for the moment…with the “guilty on all counts” verdict.  But what if the ultimate sentence isn’t stiff enough?  Or there’s an appeal?

Where does it end?  That’s the point.  It doesn’t.

As a juror on a couple of major criminal cases…albeit not national, high-profile cases…I can tell you, unequivocally, that the specter of major rioting and violence all across the country…like we saw for months…hinging on the jury’s decision, weighed on EVERY juror like Michael Moore sitting on your head with that ginormous arse of his.

So ginormous in fact, that the last time he mooned somebody, it caused a solar eclipse.

Anyway, despite the fact that an ACTUAL trial took place…and even assuming the verdict was “correct”…this is the closest thing to mob justice we’ve ever seen.

If you don’t believe me, maybe you’ll believe Hawk Newsome, head of the greater NYC chapter of BLM, who said…”It was the millions of people who turned out in the streets.  It was their peaceful actions and THEIR NON-PEACEFUL ACTIONS that rendered this verdict of guilty…”

In a Fox News interview last year, he also said, “…if this country doesn’t give us what we want, then we will burn down this system and replace it.  All right?”

And you know what?  After watching cities burn and innocent people and cops beaten in the streets for months…I believe him.

Every effing word.

4 thoughts on “Mob Justice

  1. Tom

    You may want to play lawyer on a blog, but all’s you have is your opinion and your keyboard. The Judge, Jury, Prosecution and Defense did their jobs and the jury came to a verdict, based on the law and the evidence in a proper judicial proceeding. Suggesting alternative motivations for the verdict is baseless and speculative and a dis-service to the jury and the judge.

    You said: “I learned not to second guess juries from afar” .You can’t have it both ways and obviously you did not learn what you think you learned.

    1. The Drunken Republican Post author

      Kind of an unfair interpretation.

      I’ll just put it this way…I said nothing different than the Judge himself. He respected the jury’s verdict and service…as do I…but at the same time, acknowledged that Maxine Waters’ antics, as well as other outside factors and threats of violence MAY have influenced the outcome.

      Because of this, the Judge told the defense attorney that Chauvin MAY very well have a basis for appeal, and even mentioned the potential of the whole trial being overturned.

      I watched this entire exchange between the Judge and defense attorney in real time.

      So…No disrespect or disservice to anyone, nor having anything both ways. Simply acknowledging the very real potential for an appeal and the reasons for it, just as the Judge himself did.

      1. Tom

        Not true – you went beyond what the judge said and just saying: “No disrespect or disservice,,,” does not mean you aren’t doing both. The judge did not agree with a venue change or sequestration. You questioned whether the jury’s verdict was fair and impartial. You also questioned the jury’s verdict of murder. All’s you did was second guess all of it. I’m ok with your opinion – it’s interesting, but you still violated your learned statement about not second guessing. I like it when you disagree and express your opinion. I just want you to own it and stop saying that you’re not second guessing everything.

        Frankly, if you weren’t second guessing people, then you wouldn’t have a blog.


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