Daily Archives: April 22, 2021

Mob Justice

We’re all sick to death of the George Floyd trial.  I know I am, at least.

Not to minimize the significance and enormity of it…but enough is enough.  Picture a leaking, dripping, heavy sponge.  Totally saturated.  That’s how I feel.

Believe me…the last thing I want to do is opine about it.  But I will because I almost feel like I have to.

And I will hate every goddamn minute of it more than Bush 41 hates broccoli…

Not going to regurgitate the facts of the case…but safe to assume most agree Officer Chauvin was guilty…of something.  Murder?  Manslaughter?

The jury came back in a flash with a guilty verdict on all counts.  Having sat on three juries myself…including a 1st degree murder case and a rape case…I learned not to second guess juries from afar.

OK, except for the O.J. jury.   Sorry, Juice.

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