The Democrat’s DeSantis Dilemma

I am definitely the yin to the Loony Left’s yang.

I mean, I love Trump, they hate Trump.  I love this country. They hate this racist, sexist, homophobic piece of shit country.  I love border and election security.  They hate…OK, you get the gist.

So where am I going with all this?  Where else?  Sunny Florida, of course!

Specifically, the Governor’s mansion, where Ron DeSantis currently resides, along with his wife Casey, Florida’s Smokin’ Hot First Lady.

I mean, if she were President, she’d be Baberham Lincoln.

Classic line from Garth in Wayne’s World.  Couldn’t resist.

Anyway…as much as I love Ron DeSantis, the Left and their media concubines hate him even more.

They hate him for being an unapologetic, Trump loyalist.

They hate how…when THEY were effing-up THEIR states royally…he seemingly found that perfect middle ground with the Wuhan Flu…protecting the vulnerable, while not destroying every f*cking business in the state, and opening schools as fast as possible to save our next generation of indoctrinated lefty kids.

And with great success…comparatively speaking.

But most of all…they DESPISE poor Ronny because he exposed them for the America-Hating, Authoritarian A-Holes that they are.

Despite the facts, DeSantis gets absolutely destroyed in both the Florida and National press…based largely on lies, mischaracterizations, and omissions.

But things REALLY got nuts last week when the granddaddy of all news shows, 60 Minutes, decided to destroy what was left of their disintegrating legacy, and take a few wild swings at the DeSantis piñata.

You remember 60 Minutes?  The once great investigative news magazine show?

How classic was the iconic Mike Wallace and his slicked-back, jet-black hair…clutching a microphone and chasing some corrupt corporate executive across a parking lot, screaming questions about him bilking a bunch of blue hairs out of their life savings…or dumping pesticides into the town’s water supply, resulting in the births of a slew of three-headed babies.

Allow me to introduce you to my son…Curly, Mo, and Larry.  Curly’s the bald one.


Anyway…60 Minutes did a “story” attempting to accuse DeSantis of some sort of “pay-for-play” scheme by contracting with the popular supermarket Publix to administer the vaccine sometime after Publix made a routine political contribution to DeSantis.

They also give plenty to the Dems, by the way.

It’s called having your bases covered.

So, the story was a complete fabrication.  There are almost as many Publix pharmacies in Florida as there are goddamn alligators.  It would be malpractice by everyone involved NOT to have them deliver vaccines.

60 Minutes basically had the story written before any of their faux “journalists” ever got on a plane to Florida.  They ambushed DeSantis at one of his pressers, and excluded his entire detailed explanation of how this all transpired.

Even worse, the Mayor of one of the largest counties to use Publix for the vaccines, Palm Beach County, was interviewed by 60 Minutes, and explained how innocently everything went down, with seamless coordination between Publix, Palm Beach County, and the Governor.

Oh yeah…forgot to mention how that Mayor…IS A F*CKING DEMOCRAT!!!  Talk about a mic drop moment.

But again…like with DeSantis…none of that interview was used because it destroyed 60 Minutes’ pre-conceived conclusions.

Palm Beach County DEMOCRAT Mayor David Kerner said the report was “intentionally false” and 60 Minutes “should be ashamed.  Publix chimed in also, saying the whole notion was “absolutely false and offensive.”

And in a laughable, embarrassing statement issued by 60 Minutes…breathtakingly clinging to this fantasy of fiction…they say the story “speaks for itself.”

Yep, it SURE does.  What lying schmucks.  Mike Wallace is spinning in his grave like a centrifuge.  And with EVERY hair in place.

But this, and ALL of the 24/7 DeSantis bashing isn’t simply hate for hate’s sake.

With the Left, there’s ALWAYS an ulterior motive.

These worthless wacko wimps see DeSantis as THE major 2024 threat to take the White House.  If Trump were younger and a politician, he’d be Ron DeSantis.  A more “palatable” version of The Donald, without the…um…alienating warts, if you will.

Fact is, there were lots of weak knee’d wussy RINO’s out there ridiculously more concerned with silly tweets about CNN’s ratings than good policy, that didn’t vote for DJT in 2020…but would run to vote for DeSantis.

This terrifies the Dems more than a secure border and Voter ID.

And until any of this changes…despite how insanely early it is…the Left and Media will live and breath every single day to bloody and weaken him politically…in shock and awe fashion…before a potential 2024 run.

But ultimately, to no avail.

Like Michael Moore trying to squeeze his rolls of nauseating blubber into an airplane lavatory…it will backfire magnificently.  In the midst of all the transparent lies and unfair attacks that Americans despise…the media is simply cementing DeSantis’ name recognition, and status as a “national figure”…critical for a WH run.

This all goes out the window, of course, if The Big Bad Orange Devil decides to run.  But I don’t think he will.  What he WILL be, however, is the kingmaker.

And Ron DeSantis is first in line for the crown.

1 thought on “The Democrat’s DeSantis Dilemma

  1. Tom

    Ron may or may not be the Republican choice for 2024. But, I suspect it will likely be someone we can’t currently imagine. To be successful, the Republican party needs to distance itself from the Trump Personality Disorders and run on policy, character and values. I believe it’s going to take a new voice to unite the party and broaden the base. I’m listening.


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