Daily Archives: April 15, 2021

The Democrat’s DeSantis Dilemma

I am definitely the yin to the Loony Left’s yang.

I mean, I love Trump, they hate Trump.  I love this country. They hate this racist, sexist, homophobic piece of shit country.  I love border and election security.  They hate…OK, you get the gist.

So where am I going with all this?  Where else?  Sunny Florida, of course!

Specifically, the Governor’s mansion, where Ron DeSantis currently resides, along with his wife Casey, Florida’s Smokin’ Hot First Lady.

I mean, if she were President, she’d be Baberham Lincoln.

Classic line from Garth in Wayne’s World.  Couldn’t resist.

Anyway…as much as I love Ron DeSantis, the Left and their media concubines hate him even more. Continue reading