PLAY BALL!!! Just not in Atlanta…

As I continually opine about all the nonsense that pisses me off on a near daily basis, I try not to be the blogger who cried wolf…perpetual outrage about everything.

But I have to tell you…this phony, fraudulent, parade of lies about Georgia’s recent election reforms is boiling my nuts as much as anything these Leftist pieces of shit have ever served up.

Claims of voting hours ending at 5pm, voters not allowed any water while in line, have been debunked by elections experts AND even the uber-liberal quack-journalists at the Washington Post, who gave President Corpse their highest “lie rating”…Four Pinocchio’s.

Yet, our decomposing, “Weekend at Bernie’s” President keeps repeating the lies…ad nauseam…as does his smug little chickadee Press Secretary, Peppermint Patty.

Ah…memories.  Remember how Peppermint Patty’s little friend Marcie always called her “Sir?”  One could go in a lot of weird directions with that, but Peppermint Patty WAS a bit on the “butch” side, and Marcie WAS blind as a bat.  I mean, do the math.

But I digress.

Anyway…why don’t these lying jerk-offs just READ THE MOTHERF*CKING LAW!?!?

Because I did.  I downloaded S.B. 202, the actual 98 page law, and found and read the pertinent sections.  But who does that?  Like, nobody…except a handful of losers like me.

And as such, the big, fat, far left-wing progressive cabal of the Democrat party, mainstream media, the Silicon Valley book-burning tyrants of Big Tech, Corporate America, teachers unions, colleges and universities…did I leave any out???…can craft, disseminate, and perpetuate ANY lie they want, in an effort to satisfy their sick narrative fetish. 

Probably the worst aspect of this concocted “voter suppression” horseshit is the sniveling, virtue-signaling CEO’s…Delta and Coca-Cola leading the charge…that have boarded the Woke Express, wailing about this Georgia law that they clearly have no clue about.

These A-holes are drowning in their own ignorance and hypocrisy.

Do these idiots realize that plenty of blue states, like New York, have either more restrictive or virtually identical voting laws, as compared to Georgia?  

Even President Poopy-Pant’s beloved home state of Delaware had PRECISELY ZERO EARLY VOTING DAYS IN THE LAST ELECTION!!!  ZERO??  REALLY???

But Georgia, with at least 17, is the problem?  And Lefties are crapping their skivvies over it??

To me, the ultimate orgy of hypocrisy is Major League Baseball moving the All-Star Game out of Atlanta, based on all of this lying bullshit.

OMG, SAY IT AIN’T SO!!!  My beloved baseball, one of the few sports I still watch after giving the Colin Kaepernick-loving, America-Hating kneelers of the NFL, and the big dumb pot head BLM Marxists of the NBA, the old heave-ho.

In its infinite lack of wisdom, the MLB wussies are moving the All-Star game to Colorado…a state that not only has virtually identical election laws to Georgia…but in fact has less early voting days than Georgia.  WTF???

Another screaming irony?  Atlanta, at 51% black, is one of the most African-American dense cities in the country…while Denver, at 9% black, is more lily white than a KKK march.  Or a Colorado blizzard.  Or a Leave it to Beaver marathon on TV Land.

Eh, couldn’t decide, so I used them all.

Anyway…now, instead of getting their big fat piece of the $100+ million economic goodness thrown off by having the All-Star Game in their city…the 30% of black-owned businesses in Atlanta will get bupkis.

Which is precisely what they’ve gotten in the last 50 years from the REAL racists in this country…the Dim-O-Crat party.

The party of slavery and segregation.  Yeah.  Look it up.

But like the Honey Badger, the Dems don’t care.  They’ll still get 90%+ of the black vote, no matter what.

To my African-American friends…wake the F up and stop being exploited.  Have some pride, for shit’s sake.

Anyway…Florida Senator Marco Rubio masterfully shoved this hypocrisy straight up the puckered sphincters of the Delta CEO and MLB Commissioner in epic fashion.

Rubio chides Delta CEO Ed Bastian in a tweet…”Delta Airlines is a business partner of the Chinese Communist Party.  The same Chinese Communist Party that is committing genocide against Uighurs Muslims.  When can we expect your letter saying that their ongoing genocide in #Xinjiang is unacceptable and does not match Delta’s values???”

In a letter to MLB Commissioner and Wussy Woke Wannabe, Rob “Poor excuse for a” Manfred, Rubio delivers another nice verbal enema…

I write to ask you whether you intend to maintain your membership at Augusta National Golf Club.  As you are well aware, the exclusive members-only club is located in the State of Georgia.”

“I am under no illusion you intend to resign as a member from Augusta National Golf Club.  To do so would require a personal sacrifice, as opposed to the woke corporate virtue signaling of moving the All-Star Game from Atlanta.”

Even Ex-MLB Commissioner Fay Vincent piled on and ripped Manfred a new one in a Wall Street  Journal commentary.

And while some of these whack jobs laughably suggest The Masters pull out of Augusta like MLB pulled out of Atlanta…the earth will stop spinning on its axis before THAT ever happens.

In fact…if the Georgia voting law required black people to belt out their best rendition of “Mammy,” a la Al Jolson…The Masters STILL stays in Augusta.

You’d have to be a golf fan to fully comprehend this.

As for these divisive, woke, virtue-signaling scumbags in Corporate America and professional sports…all of whom must think screaming “F OFF, RACISTS!” to half of their potential customer base is a good business decision…I must quote hoops legend Michael Jordan, who once brilliantly said…”Republicans buy sneakers too.”

In the end, if Delta stuck to making sure their stupid planes don’t crash, Coke stuck to producing sugary, diabetes-inducing drinks, and MLB stuck to charging insane prices for tickets and hawking $18 beers…AND STAYED THE F*CK OUT OF POLITICS…we’d all be better off.

3 thoughts on “PLAY BALL!!! Just not in Atlanta…

  1. Dale Davies

    Follow the money! Professional sports are big profit making businesses.These businesses get huge government subsidies in the form of public owned stadiums and arenas. These stadiums and arenas are in municipalities that are under control of Democrats. It is good business to scratch the back of the political party that taxes and spends.

  2. Tom

    Here is the infamous and actual Georgia “No Water” paragraph – Judge for yourself – Does this make sense to you?:

    Page 73: No person shall solicit votes in any manner or by any means or method, nor shall any person distribute or display any campaign material, nor shall any person give, offer to give, or participate in the giving of any money or gifts, including, but not limited to, food and drink, to an elector, nor shall any person solicit signatures for any petition, nor shall any person, other than election officials discharging their duties, establish or set up any tables or booths on any day in which ballots are being cast: (1) Within 150 feet of the outer edge of any building within which a polling place is established; (2) Within any polling place; or (3) Within 25 feet of any voter standing in line to vote at any polling place. These restrictions shall not apply to conduct occurring in private offices or areas which cannot be seen or heard by such electors.

    1. The Drunken Republican Post author

      Yep, read that. Too bad the people fraudulently complaining didn’t. Makes perfect sense to me. It says no politicking while people are ACTUALLY in line. The time for that has passed. So…Good, prudent rule.

      As for the “water” canard…right below that text, it says, in part…”This Code section shall NOT be construed to prohibit a poll officer…from making available self-service water…to an elector waiting in line to vote.”

      So, these days, you can be pretty sure 95% of folks will bring their own water. The 5% that don’t, can get some at the polling place.

      Don’t be part of the BIG LIE.


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