Monthly Archives: April 2021

Black Lives Killed By White Cops Matter

For some reason, I always seem to be the guy that shines a blinding bright light on the elephant in the room.  Actually, I kind of revel in it.

I am sort of a sick bastard that way.  Almost a fetish.  Not THAT kind of fetish.  Although the potential is there.

And this surprises precisely nobody that knows me.

So…Have you ever noticed that when a police officer tragically shoots and kills an “unarmed” black person, said black person pretty much always has escalated the situation to such a chaotic and dangerous level, that bad shit inevitably happens?

Ya know…forcibly resisting arrest, fleeing, beating on the cop and reaching for his weapon, not obeying commands after like 15 chances…that sort of stuff.

Not a popular thing to say out loud.  A big fat elephant, to be sure.  (Insert Michael Moore joke here:  ________________). Continue reading

Mob Justice

We’re all sick to death of the George Floyd trial.  I know I am, at least.

Not to minimize the significance and enormity of it…but enough is enough.  Picture a leaking, dripping, heavy sponge.  Totally saturated.  That’s how I feel.

Believe me…the last thing I want to do is opine about it.  But I will because I almost feel like I have to.

And I will hate every goddamn minute of it more than Bush 41 hates broccoli…

Not going to regurgitate the facts of the case…but safe to assume most agree Officer Chauvin was guilty…of something.  Murder?  Manslaughter?

The jury came back in a flash with a guilty verdict on all counts.  Having sat on three juries myself…including a 1st degree murder case and a rape case…I learned not to second guess juries from afar.

OK, except for the O.J. jury.   Sorry, Juice.

Continue reading

The Democrat’s DeSantis Dilemma

I am definitely the yin to the Loony Left’s yang.

I mean, I love Trump, they hate Trump.  I love this country. They hate this racist, sexist, homophobic piece of shit country.  I love border and election security.  They hate…OK, you get the gist.

So where am I going with all this?  Where else?  Sunny Florida, of course!

Specifically, the Governor’s mansion, where Ron DeSantis currently resides, along with his wife Casey, Florida’s Smokin’ Hot First Lady.

I mean, if she were President, she’d be Baberham Lincoln.

Classic line from Garth in Wayne’s World.  Couldn’t resist.

Anyway…as much as I love Ron DeSantis, the Left and their media concubines hate him even more. Continue reading

PLAY BALL!!! Just not in Atlanta…

As I continually opine about all the nonsense that pisses me off on a near daily basis, I try not to be the blogger who cried wolf…perpetual outrage about everything.

But I have to tell you…this phony, fraudulent, parade of lies about Georgia’s recent election reforms is boiling my nuts as much as anything these Leftist pieces of shit have ever served up.

Claims of voting hours ending at 5pm, voters not allowed any water while in line, have been debunked by elections experts AND even the uber-liberal quack-journalists at the Washington Post, who gave President Corpse their highest “lie rating”…Four Pinocchio’s.

Yet, our decomposing, “Weekend at Bernie’s” President keeps repeating the lies…ad nauseam…as does his smug little chickadee Press Secretary, Peppermint Patty.

Ah…memories.  Remember how Peppermint Patty’s little friend Marcie always called her “Sir?”  One could go in a lot of weird directions with that, but Peppermint Patty WAS a bit on the “butch” side, and Marcie WAS blind as a bat.  I mean, do the math.

But I digress. Continue reading