Depress Conference

Eh, not a bad title.  But a distant second to the NY Post headline the next day…GLAZED AND CONFUSED.

BAHAHAHAHA!  Love that.

I thought The Poseidon Adventure was the biggest disaster I’d ever seen until I witnessed Joe Biden’s long delayed first press conference.

Incoherence.  Derailed trains of thought.  Lies.  Reading from notes.  More lies.  A fawning, starry-eyed media. 

I half-thought one of the chick journalists was going to ask him to the Sadie Hawkins Dance.

I like to refer to it as journalistic fellatio.  But then again, I have no qualms with offensive imagery.  I might lose a subscriber or two over THAT one.

Brain freezes, word salads, talking himself into verbal cul-de-sacs for which there was no outlet.

He stumbled more than a dude with two club feet on an icy sidewalk, and incessantly lied his sorry, demented ass off…particularly about the predictable main topic, the crisis at the southern border.

But NOT a crisis according to Biden and his America-Hating administration flunkies.

Ya know, I actually agree.  I would characterize it more as an unequivocal loss off our country’s sovereignty…FAR worse than your every day, run-of-the-mill, boring old “crisis.”

He actually said Trump turned unaccompanied minors around at the border, and sent them along their merry way to presumably walk hundreds of miles back to their home country to “starve to death on the other side” of the Mexican border.

And not a single one of these faux journalists…at least the butt-smooching ones that were “called-on”…challenged him on that lie.  Not a one.

Liar, liar, Depends on fire.

I’ll say for the eight thousandth time…these insane open border policies have zero to do with compassion OR humanity, as Biden fraudulently claims.

Don’t be the gullible sap they think you are.

This is 100% about jamming future Democrat voters into the country…AND SCREW ANY OF YOU RACISTS THAT DON’T LIKE IT!!!!!


And in the middle of a goddamn pandemic!  Thousands of these people are COVID positive, thousands more never tested, and most are gleefully released into the interior of the country?!?!

Remember Antifa and BLM Marxists crowding the streets this summer, shoulder to shoulder, burning down cities and beating citizens and cops?

COVID SHMOVID.  Dizzying hypocrisy amidst endless blue state lockdowns imposed by Governors sporting big authoritarian woodies.  


The resulting destroyed businesses, schools, and ruined lives be damned.  Pure evil scumbags.

Then Biden’s asked when the media blackouts are gonna end, vis-a-vis the sardine cans that are the border detention centers.

The blue cheese stuffed olives almost sloshed out of my martini glass when Biden gummed the following answer through his big fake chompers…

You’ll have full access to everything once we get this thing moving.”  When pressed for a specific time, Biden simply said, “I don’t know…”

Translation?  When we can clean up the horrible images that we alone created…AND when we’re good and f*cking ready…will YOU see ANYTHING!

This is beyond outrageous.  Can you imagine the epic conniptions if Trump did this??

The flood of leg-wetting would make the Atlantic Ocean look like a puddle.

Unfortunately, Conservative media has set the bar for Biden lower than a snakes belly, so if Sleepy Joe, well, simply stays awake and vertical…it’s a win.

Shit, THAT sure backfired, didn’t it?

Maybe it’s just me, but it ALL feels a bit too much like a participation trophy.

Sadly, Joe ain’t your pudgy, rambunctious six-year old with two left feet, proudly hoisting that shiny little trophy in the air while juggling a post-game juice box after the last soccer game of the season.

Nope.  He’s the President of the United States, the last remaining superpower, and the greatest country that ever has, or will, exist on the face of the earth.


Hey…HERE’S AN IDEA!  Let’s not elect a President that has no business anywhere NEAR the Oval Office, but instead should be strolling into 4:00 bingo at the Happy Trails Retirement Home.

Is THIS what rock bottom looks like??   Jesus, how embarrassed are we as a country??  And quite frankly, how embarrassed are Biden voters?

Other world leaders…particularly our adversaries…are laughing their fat Communist asses off…and licking their chops like a German Shepherd hovering over a raw, bloody steak.

And speaking of world leaders…

Fox News White House correspondent Peter Doocy, a polite young chap who respectfully asks ball buster questions, works for the only major network not called on in the presser.  Nor was he called on once during campaign press conferences.

Not once.

So, if Biden doesn’t have the wherewithal (i.e., balls, stones, nads, cajones, naughty bits) to answer a tough question from a twenty-something journalist…


If all of this doesn’t scare the feces out of you, you’re either brain dead, or a card carrying Marxist.

Either way…not a good look.  Just Sayin’…

Puppet Biden, the Leftist Geppettos that manipulate him, and the faux media that spoon them all 24/7 are the closest thing to an existential threat this great country has ever seen.

NY Post columnist Michael Goodwin summed it all up quite nicely with the burning question…

For this sickening spectacle we had to wait 64 days?”

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