Daily Archives: March 31, 2021

Depress Conference

Eh, not a bad title.  But a distant second to the NY Post headline the next day…GLAZED AND CONFUSED.

BAHAHAHAHA!  Love that.

I thought The Poseidon Adventure was the biggest disaster I’d ever seen until I witnessed Joe Biden’s long delayed first press conference.

Incoherence.  Derailed trains of thought.  Lies.  Reading from notes.  More lies.  A fawning, starry-eyed media. 

I half-thought one of the chick journalists was going to ask him to the Sadie Hawkins Dance.

I like to refer to it as journalistic fellatio.  But then again, I have no qualms with offensive imagery.  I might lose a subscriber or two over THAT one.

Brain freezes, word salads, talking himself into verbal cul-de-sacs for which there was no outlet.

He stumbled more than a dude with two club feet on an icy sidewalk, and incessantly lied his sorry, demented ass off…particularly about the predictable main topic, the crisis at the southern border. Continue reading