Border Disorder

Joe Biden has monumentally exceeded all of my wildest expectations.

I expected him…as merely a confused vessel of the Far Left…to fully, completely, and unequivocally f*ck up this country – but the old senile bastard has done it WAY faster than I ever thought possible.


An absolute comedy of errors.  Unfortunately, effing up the country is no laughing matter.

All of these bastards – Biden himself, his 24/7 mask-wearing potted-plant of a VP, and the rest of his “off-the-deep-left-end,” America-hating administration cronies, with an assist from the boot (among other things) licking media, effortlessly lie to your face every time they open their disgusting pie holes.

I’m sensing my next umpteen blogs will be in the vain of…”How is Biden Effing Up The Country…Let Me Count The Ways.”

But lets commence with his gold medal f*ck up, immigration.

Is there anything more stark and in your face than the disastrous results of shit-canning Trump’s 100% effective border security policies?

But it’s fully consistent with Biden’s strategy of reversing every single Trump policy.  Beyond asinine.  For Libs, though…just another day in Liberal Utopia.

Border Crisis.  Bone crushing chaos.  And Biden’s arrogant, condescending redhead Press Secretary, Peppermint Patty, stares you right in the eye and calls it a “challenge.”

This isn’t simply semantics, folks.  This is them taking the American people for complete blithering morons…with Stevie Wonder-like eyesight.

Still…and always…The “Are You Gonna Believe Me Or Your Lyin’ Eyes” Party.

Make no mistake, this is what they want.  Crisis, Shmisis.  These are future Democrat voters.  So they’ll continue to do their best Bob Barker imitation, wailing “Come-on-Down!”

The Price is Right, Border Edition.

The destructive ancillary ramifications of an unfettered invasion of drug and child sex traffickers, gang members, and a bunch of dudes on the terror watch list, be damned.

Sacrificing the well-being of tens of thousands of unaccompanied minors by enticing them to be sent on a treacherous trek with coyotes and cartels that sexually abuse most is as despicable as it gets.

And about 10% of everyone doing the Michael Jackson Moon Walk over the border are COVID positive to boot.

All of this is the biggest screwing of the American people I’ve ever seen.  I’m craving a cigarette.

One could almost excuse incompetence.  But this is pure, unadulterated evil.

And the entire Biden Administration has the gall and hubris to blame it all on Trump!  Even for these shameful lying Leftist Scumbags, that’s the hardest of sells.

It’s like blaming your ace starter, who just pitched eight scoreless innings, for a loss right after your crappy closer gave up seven runs in the ninth.

Who doesn’t love a good sports analogy? 

Reading off the same script, as usual, the Biden Administration and their media concubines are all spewing shit like, “We inherited a broken system.”  Oh…is THAT so?

Despite vigorous opposition every goddamn step of the way, the Trump Administration stopped these caravans of illegals in its tracks through various agreements with Mexico and the Central American northern triangle countries resulting in Mexican troops on the border, and illegals remaining in their own countries or Mexico while asylum claims were adjudicated.

Gotta love a businessman Prez.  Problem solved.  NEXT!

It ain’t no accident that the Border Patrol and ICE guys absolutely LOVED The Donald.  Ya know, that happens when someone has your back and doesn’t stab it.

And roughly 90% of these asylum claims are denied anyway because they are typically found to be economic based, not due to any sort of proven persecution or oppression.

Of course, none of this March Madness would really be possible if not for a fawning, complicit media.

Yet, the Biden Administration is not allowing ANY access to journalists at the border.  No cameras, no nothing.

About as transparent as a brick wall.  What a joke.

Remember with Trump, the media wailed about “kids in cages?”  But it turned out those “cages”…really just fenced in areas…were ACTUALLY built in 2014 under the Obama/Biden Administration?

Predictably, not a mea culpa to be found.  The lies just always live on.  Ten million people see the lie.  Ten thousand see the correction.

It’s by design, folks…simply part of the daily Lefty Media narrative scam.

But it’s even worse.

Today, those same facilities are being utilized, and far more jam-packed …but NOW are simply called “holding facilities,” “welcome centers,” and other such benign characterizations.

And they’re quietly…with media blackouts and gag orders on Border Patrol…bussing and flying these aliens, 10% of whom have COVID, and apparently with very little regard to criminal history, all over the country.

Like the next summer blockbuster movie…COMING TO A CITY NEAR YOU!

I’d title this one Armageddon 2.

And if you’re not down with all of this?  All together now…YOU’RE AN EFFING RACIST!!!  As meaningless as it is tiring.  What Lefty A-Holes.

My best advice?  Don’t be a Lefty A-Hole.

A recent NY Post article really hit the nail on the proverbial head…

What we’re seeing now at the border isn’t a crisis.  It’s a fruition of the hopes and dreams that Democrats have had for years.  It’s open and operating just as they want.”

Indeed.  And as obvious as Biden’s ballooning dementia.

1 thought on “Border Disorder

  1. Tom

    I think Peppermint Patty would be more accurate if she said: Trump is to blame, because Trump was such a bad candidate that the American people had no choice but to elect a bumbling idiot that was less bad.

    Trump was the best thing to ever happen to the Democrats and Biden will return the favor. Biden will be the best thing to happen to the Republicans. Now, we need to get candidates with character and policy, which America was able to do for most of its history. I can name a dozen worthy candidates right now. So, lets make this happen.

    The Trump personality disorder was a setback for the GOP, but I promise it will fade away. I just hope it doesn’t take too long.


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