Daily Archives: March 22, 2021

Border Disorder

Joe Biden has monumentally exceeded all of my wildest expectations.

I expected him…as merely a confused vessel of the Far Left…to fully, completely, and unequivocally f*ck up this country – but the old senile bastard has done it WAY faster than I ever thought possible.


An absolute comedy of errors.  Unfortunately, effing up the country is no laughing matter.

All of these bastards – Biden himself, his 24/7 mask-wearing potted-plant of a VP, and the rest of his “off-the-deep-left-end,” America-hating administration cronies, with an assist from the boot (among other things) licking media, effortlessly lie to your face every time they open their disgusting pie holes.

I’m sensing my next umpteen blogs will be in the vain of…”How is Biden Effing Up The Country…Let Me Count The Ways.”

But lets commence with his gold medal f*ck up, immigration. Continue reading