The End Is Near

Like an opioid addict locked in a CVS pharmacy overnight, I just can’t help myself.  I’m sorry to drag you through this muck again.

But I gotta piggyback a tad on last week’s brilliant dissertation on the breathtaking insanity and divisiveness of cancel culture.

And elevate the conversation to make a much bigger point.

OK, “elevating” conversations isn’t my forte, but I’m gonna give it a whirl.

Again, I’m completely obsessed with this crap…like this week’s latest entry…an attempt by some nitwit NY Times Lib columnist named Charles Blow to cancel Speedy Gonzalez.

No need to brace yourself…I’ll resist jokes about that fabulous last name.  And yes…it’s killing me.

So, Mr. Blow writes, in part…”Some of the first cartoons I can remember include Pepe Le Pew, WHO NORMALIZED RAPE CULTURE, Speedy Gonzalez, whose friends helped popularize the corrosive stereotype of the drunk and lethargic Mexicans…”


Pepe Le Pew normalized rape culture?  Huh?  And what the hell is wrong with drunk and lethargic?  That precisely characterizes my college years.

Me thinks some mental health professional talking Mr. Blow off of an extremely high ledge is somewhere in his VERY near future.

So…I cite this latest of what seems a plethora of daily examples, not to highlight Mr. Blow(hard) as the Dumbass Commie Leg-Wetter that he is, but to make that aforementioned bigger point.

OK, I failed in my quest to not mock his last name.  And his poor wife.  “Mrs. Blow?”  YIKES!!!

Make no mistake…we could end the scourge of cancel culture tomorrow.  And it would be a walk in the park.

Here’s the reality…every time the Twitter Wuss Brigade tries to cancel someone. something, or some company, it’s a “brigade” of maybe seven people that each have like 26 followers.  A mere smattering of nobody’s.

David Copperfield, not Jack Dorsey must be the man behind the curtain at Twitter, creating this big illusion that millions of people are jonesing to burn their Dr. Seuss books and Muppets DVD’s.

It’s all a big f*cking lie.

So why in Sam Hell does Corporate America bend over EVERY TIME and play along with this small handful of idiotic Fascist scumbags?

Is Corporate America THAT stupid or clueless?  Why don’t they just tell these pasty genderless wimps to go screw themselves AND their stupid name calling?

NEWS FLASH!  Nobody gives a rat’s ass about them or their wasted, useless, pathetic lives.

It’s like when your 4-year-old throws a tantrum in a store, screaming and flopping around on the disgusting, grimy floor like a reeled in fish gasping for breath on the deck of a boat.

The more you entertain and reward their obnoxious petulance, the more you’re gonna get of it.

And there’s a mountain of evidence that I’m right.

What happened when these wackos tried to cancel Chick-Fil-A?  Goya Foods?



Remember Dr. Seuss last week?  The following headline from Newsweek on March 3rd…”Nine of Amazon’s Top 10 Bestselling Books Are Dr. Seuss One Day After Publisher Pulls them.”

Examples as endless as Michael Moore’s equatorial circumference.

We, the silent majority, REALLY need to get off our collective arses, make Corporate America hear us loud and clear…not with cheap rhetoric, but with closed wallets…and eradicate these Pipsqueak Progressive Pansies ONCE AND FOR ALL.

Profits is all these phony, disingenuous “Social Justice Warriors” of Corporate America understand.  These money-grubbers would suffocate their own mother with a MY PILLOW for a blockbuster quarter.

Even big voice, big mouth Libs like Jimmy Kimmel, Bill Maher, and Whoopi Goldberg are shitting all over cancel culture.

I don’t know much, but I know this…when they start eating their own, the end is near.

And in the latest installment of The Drunken Republican Constitution News…

A lot of talk about the constitution these days on cable news and elsewhere, surely spawned by Leftist Democrats treating it like a disgusting Port-O-Let after eating for six hours at the Wun Hung Lo Chinese Buffet…and evidenced by their subversive, un-American policy positions, and overt and obvious disdain for it.

I often hear constitutional lawyers and scholars refer to The Federalist Papers…a collection of 85 articles and essays published in 1788, written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay to promote the ratification of the United States Constitution.

Really, the thought process behind it all…a “Constitution For Dummies” of sorts.

Ya know…the Broadway show “Hamilton?”  OK, now you’re with me.

Anyway…I thought how interesting it would be to actually read The Federalist Papers,  which I had never done…likely because there were pretty much zero pictures.

So, I went right to Amazon and threw it in my cart…along with some cat litter and vitamin D…quite the eclectic group of items…and I was off to the races!

Don’t be surprised if over the next several weeks…or months, I’m a slow reader…I share a particular passage here and there that I find particularly significant and thought provoking.

Hey, any book that’s turned into a Broadway show is probably worth reading, right?

Drunken Republican…THE MUSICAL?   Hmmm…

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