The Woke Joke

My God, the Wacko Woke Mob has been working three shifts lately.  

It seems every morning lately after I stumble out of bed and swear to God I’ll never drink again, I flip on the tube and hear yet another person or company being canceled for using the wrong friggin’ pronoun, saying something “offensive” in 1979, or some such ridiculous woke shit.

Do these snowflakes have goddamn jobs?  ANY of them?  Always my first thought.  Right after questioning my alcohol consumption, that is.

I’m completely obsessed with this nonsense.  I’ll admit it.  I think it’s like a 57 car pile-up on some iced-over interstate…horribly destructive…but I just can’t look away.

And curiously intrigued by the Commie Pinko jerk-offs that push this crap.  “Loser” doesn’t begin to describe these subversive scumbags.

Anyway, just in the last couple weeks…

Kendall Jenner…of the bootylicious Jenner/Kardashian clan, and entrepreneur extraordinaire…has created her own brand of tequila.

A wealthy hot chick that owns a booze company?  I think I’m in love.

Except she got violently slammed by the Twitter Twits for “cultural appropriation.”

OK, pretty standard as far as this psychotic cancel culture crap goes.

But what’s most interesting, is that George Clooney, Dwayne Johnson (aka The Rock), and burned-out rocker Sammy Hagar ALSO have developed their own Tequila brands.

And you know what?  Nobody said boo.  In fact, Clooney ultimately sold his company for a cool billion.  Like HE needs it.

Um…excuse me…isn’t that f*cking SEXIST?  Three dudes get no backlash from the Woke Twitter Mob for the EXACT SAME THING they excoriate a woman for?

The moral of THAT story?

If your gonna be a sniveling woke asshole, at least be consistent.

That isn’t TOO much to ask…is it?

Then The Mouse House, Disney, in it’s infinite woke wisdom, is placing an “offensive content” warning at the beginning of…wait for it…………..THE MUPPETS!, which they show on their Disney+ streaming service.

Some incoherent gibberish about “stereotypes,” and “negative depictions.”  No specifics, of course.

I always knew that goddamn Fozzie Bear was a big fat racist.  So obvious.

And what the hell kind of a name is Fozzie, anyway?!

I mean, Miss Piggy?  C’mon.  Who wouldn’t want her libido?  The way I remember it, every syllable out of her chubby bacon mouth was some sort of sexual innuendo.  THIS IS A KIDS SHOW, FOR SHIT’S SAKE!!!

Didn’t Miss Piggy seem endlessly obsessed with getting porked?

Sorry, couldn’t resist.

And what about those two old heckling geezers up on the theatre balcony, Statler and Waldorf?  Two old WHITE men?  Related to slave owners, no doubt.  And just dripping with privilege.

Are you thinking what I’m thinking?

RACISTS!  BIGOTS!  And DEFINITELY Trump supporters.

Oh yeah…DEFINITELY Trump supporters.

And why aren’t Disney Princesses gender neutral?  Or gender fluid.  Huh?  Maybe Beauty and the Beast should be Beast and the Beast?  Or Beauty and the Beauty?

Does the latter sound hot, or is it just me?

Are you getting why I’m obsessed with this stuff?  It’s endlessly entertaining, and the mocking opportunities are infinite.

Tearing the country apart, and divisive as hell…but entertaining, nonetheless.

So…toy company Hasbro, makers of an American fave, Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head, is now making these iconic, lovable spuds “gender neutral.”

Fabulous.  Now we can all sleep at night.

This the kind of shit you used to read in that parody newspaper, The Onion.

Unfortunately, in the Woketopia of 2021, it’s ALL too real.

Hey…Wait a cotton pickin’ minute!!  HasBRO?  BRO?!  Well…THAT’S not friggin’ gender neutral now, IS IT???

Effing hypocrites.  They should change their name to HasBEEN.

Ah, this brings me back to my childhood, when playing with Mr. Potato Head’s snap on “parts,” I had the following exchange with my mother…

MOM:  “Honey, don’t put that part there…it’s SUPPOSED to be a mustache.”
ME:      “But Mom, it looks like a…….”

Always nice to reminisce.

This is fun…I could go all day.

The Loudon County School District up in FAR FAR LEFT Northern Virginia has canceled Dr. Seuss.  Yes, Dr. Seuss.

No.  Really.

You see, for over two decades, Dr. Seuss’s birthday has been celebrated in schools as Read Across America Day, a day dedicated to the importance of reading and literacy.

The Lunatic Libs of Loudon County Schools – IN THEIR OWN WORDS…

As we become more culturally responsive and racially conscious, all building leaders should know that in recent years, there has been research revealing racial undertones in the books written and the illustrations drawn by Dr. Seuss.”

I’d like to meet the pasty dough boy wuss that wrote that.  

Hear me, and hear me well, Loudon County…don’t f*ck with my Grinch.  Consider yourselves warned.

The Cat in the Hat?  Green Eggs and Ham?  Racial undertones?

Please.  JUST. MAKE. IT. STOP.  

A bloke I am.
I am woke.
A woke bloke.
Woke is a joke.
I must be on coke.

OK, I’m no Dr. Seuss, but I’ll give myself an “A” for effort.

Sorta like golf.  WAY harder than it looks.  

2 thoughts on “The Woke Joke

  1. Tom

    A cancel culture is part of human nature. I don’t like it, you don’t like it; no one like’s it, but we all do it. It’s part of who we are as humans. Throughout history, we (the human race) tried to cancel entire civilizations. Remember your 9th grade world history class when you studied Sparta and how the Greeks and then the Romans canceled their existence. Sucked to be a Spartan in 800 BCE. “Cancel Culture” is one of the darkest sides of human existence and it’s also how we progress. Think of it as Darwinism and in the long-term it all works out.

    No one likes it and everyone does it, including me and you on a regular basis.

    Lastly, Dr. Suess is a favorite of almost everyone, including me. The owners of Dr. Suess Enterprises calculated that ending the publication (cancelling) of 6 (<10%) of their more than 65 published books would be their best path to long term success. They may or may not be right. It's a calculated risk/benefit bet. They didn't do it on a whim and they studied the situation for over a year, before coming to their decision. It certainly produced and enormous short-term surge in Dr. Suess book sales. I doubt that was their objective, but more power to them. I predict Dr. Suess will be around for our Great-Great Grandchildren and that's how capitalism works. The strong (and smart will survive) and the weak (and stupid) will perish. Net/Net, I think they made the right decision.

    There's plenty of over-reaction and "1cancelling" going on in our world, but in the long-run, the strong will truly survive. I guarantee it.

    Good topic and discussion on your part – Thanks!

    1. Johnny Utah

      Tom – I am more or less in alignment with you that the decision by Dr Seuss’ family to stop some of the books isn’t an issue (although I may disagree with it their reasoning, it’s their prerogative and you’d like to think they made it with dollars and cents in mind). My issue is with companies like eBay stopping the sale of the books upon this decision. Yes, they are free to do what they wish as well; however, this is one step too far into the “book burning” realm for me.


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