Daily Archives: March 2, 2021

The Woke Joke

My God, the Wacko Woke Mob has been working three shifts lately.  

It seems every morning lately after I stumble out of bed and swear to God I’ll never drink again, I flip on the tube and hear yet another person or company being canceled for using the wrong friggin’ pronoun, saying something “offensive” in 1979, or some such ridiculous woke shit.

Do these snowflakes have goddamn jobs?  ANY of them?  Always my first thought.  Right after questioning my alcohol consumption, that is.

I’m completely obsessed with this nonsense.  I’ll admit it.  I think it’s like a 57 car pile-up on some iced-over interstate…horribly destructive…but I just can’t look away.

And curiously intrigued by the Commie Pinko jerk-offs that push this crap.  “Loser” doesn’t begin to describe these subversive scumbags. Continue reading