Daily Archives: February 18, 2021

Impeachment Freak Show…The Sequel

As I begin writing this blog on Fat Tuesday, I suddenly realize that for Michael Moore, EVERY Tuesday is Fat Tuesday.  Just an observation.

And now, against my better judgement, some “impeachment” observations…

The Founding Fathers…THOSE HORRIBLE SLAVE OWNING RACISTS!…are spinning out of control in their graves like malfunctioning rotisserie chickens at how the Democrats have so cheapened the impeachment process, as to render it completely meaningless.

Just like they did to the word “racist.”

I can hear it now…TRUMP IS THE ONLY PRESIDENT IMPEACHED TWICE!!!  Also two acquittals, douchebags.

Sort of cancels them out, right?  I KNOW the Left understands that “cancel” shit perfectly.

And like that even means ANYTHING…when every Democrat on the planet psychotically screamed they would impeach Trump…BEFORE HE WAS EVEN ELECTED!!

And as such, Libtards…NOBODY TAKES ANY OF THIS SERIOUSLY.  Never did.  Except, that is, you and your fawning Media, pleasuring you 24/7 under your fancy antique desk. Continue reading