Glass Half Full

Three things that didn’t surprise me this week:

Michael Moore broke ANOTHER scale.
Joe Biden got lost on his way back from the presidential crapper.
Tom Brady won ANOTHER Super Bowl.

Anyway…Not sure how discernible it is from my writings…one might need to read between the old lines…but I do have a bit of a soft spot for Donald Trump, the big lug.

And despite the 2020 election…ripped-off like the hubcaps on a broken down Mercedes on I-95…resulting in just a single term for Big Bad Orange Man…there is a glass half full perspective with all of this.

Truth be told, I’m usually more of a “the glass is friggin’ leaking and EMPTY” kind of guy.

To be clear, glass half-full for me…and about 75 million of my closest friends…NOT the Trump Derangement Syndrome half-wits, clearly suffering from an even worse, fully metastasized version of post-Trump TDS, destroying them from within, like some flesh-eating amoeba.

And BTW…is it ANY surprise that a real estate mogul occupies…for free…such large swaths of real estate in the warped craniums of these pathetic losers?


And I use the term “win” ever so loosely.

First, the OBVIOUS point…that there even WAS a first term…one that mercifully drained not just the swamp, but the flood of feces we were all drowning in after 8 years of The Obama Shit Show.

And in the process, masterfully exposed the Media, Deep State, Big Tech cabal with the crooked, piece of shit Democrat party.

Imagine, if you will…not just the country, but the world…if the 2016 election gave us the Crooked Cankle Queen.

I’d rather imagine Edward Scissorhands with a nervous tick performing my vasectomy.

No tax cuts.  No deregulation.  No jacked-up economy.  No record low unemployment.  No wage growth.  No border security.  No rebuilt military.  No USMCA.  No criminal justice/prison reform.  No fixed VA.  No energy independence.  No Middle East peace deals.  No Right-To-Try.  No standing up to China.  No Operation Warp Speed.  NO EFFING VACCINE?



But the REAL point extends way beyond all of those juicy accomplishments and policy goodness.

Good policies, good results.  Enter President Plugs.  Said policies reversed…like 180 reversed…in the blink of an eye.  Shit results.  Obama 3.0, but worse.

Worse, because now, Socialist wackos Bernie Sanders and Sandy Cortez from Westchester are effectively calling the policy shots.

“Jenny from the block” my ass.

I mean, what more of a stark contrast could be plopped right into the laps of the American people?

Now, look at Trump’s effect on the electorate.  A significant shift of moderate, blue-collar, union types to The Donald…plus major inroads in the minority vote, evidenced by most exit polling indicating approximately a 50% increase in the black vote, and 25% with Hispanics.

Ya know, folks Republicans virtually NEVER spoke to, and Dem-O-Schmucks treated like a once-every-four-years one night stand, leaving them in a crumpled mess on the bathroom floor the nanosecond after they were finished, and got what they came for…THEIR VOTE.

Not only did Trump speak directly to these “forgotten” Americans and open their eyes to this half-century scam, but showed them love…and promised, then delivered, big policies that demonstrably improved their financial well-being, safety and security.

The only way to keep THAT PARTY going is to keep THE PARTY from wandering away from…AMERICA FIRST.  To do so would be breathtakingly foolhardy.

And OK, yes, probably with a different messenger.  One not so, shall we say, abrasive?   And definitely with no Twitter account.

Gotta get back some of those weak-knee’d “suburban housewives” …and any of the other “personality obsessed” folks, for that matter…that wandered off the GOP reservation.  

Sorry Donald.  Just being real.  Love ya!  Mean it.

I actually know people that are jonesing for that OLD Republican Party.  So, so asinine.

Yeah, let’s go back to the Bob Doles, John McCains, and Mitt Romneys of the world.  The Boring Brigade.  That’s the ticket.  These stiffs make Lawrence Welk look like Elvis.

Let’s be candid…Trump policies are basically traditional Republican policies.  The biggest difference, despite what the media told everyone…and as opposed to most “establishment” types…Trump is no war monger.

That’s a GOOD thing, no?

In fact, he’s the first president in, like, forever, that entered us into no new wars.  And brought tons of troops home for good measure.

Despite warped, nonsensical, and lying media characterizations, Real Americans know “America First” simply means putting food on YOUR table, and a roof over the heads of YOUR family…FIRST…before helping your neighbors.

Which you and I would do 100% of the time.

America first…NOT America alone…as Trump uttered ad nauseam, but leftists ignored because it rained shit on their stupid narrative.

Call it marketing.  Call it what you want.  But embracing the America First concept is the key to growing the party and winning elections in the future.

Trump changed the party.  For the better.  Deal with it.

And yes, finding the right person to take the baton is key.

Again, sorry Donald.

You’re wide open in the end zone GOP, and The Donald has chucked a perfect spiral that is sailing right into your mitts.

Don’t choke.


3 thoughts on “Glass Half Full

  1. Tom

    I still believe in you and You’re making forward progress! Policy without the flawed Personality is the path to success. You Gotta Believe!

    And tread lightly about knocking Lawrence Welk. LW lasted 31 years on prime time TV and he can still be seen on reruns today. Compare that to 14 seasons of Trump’s Apprentice. Measured another way is LW broadcast 1085 shows to 192 for the Trumpster.

    1. The Drunken Republican Post author

      A bit delayed, but did want to clarify…I absolutely did NOT knock Lawrence Welk. I knocked three Republican stiffs that were nominated for Prez and had no f*cking chance of winning. In fact, I compared Lawrence Welk to Elvis, which most would consider quite the compliment.

  2. Stephanie Engels

    Where to start…

    3 things that didn’t surprise me this week:

    Trump was acquitted despite a majority voting against him, (cough, cough, 3RD TIME HE HAS NOT HAD MAJORITY ON HIS SIDE). Time to admit more people think he sucks, “bigly”.
    His loyalists didn’t even pay attention to the evidence presented. We all knew how this was going to play out.
    Trump supporters are still drinking the Kool-aid because, like good cult members, they can’t accept their leader is a bad guy without admitting they were stupid to turn a blind eye to his bad behavior all along and most of them did so because of Hillary Derangement Syndrome. (With the exception of his cronies in jail now for following his instructions; they are turning like 3 week old milk).

    The thing I am most optimistic about is that the tide is turning and he is done. He will go down as the worst president in history and be taught as a cautionary tale to those who decide honesty, integrity, truth, and character don’t matter if it pads your bottom line. Solid legacy. Good luck with that.

    Also, this lie need to stop being repeated. Tump is not the “only president in forever that entered us in to no new wars.” NEITHE DID OBAMA!!! He inherited one from a prez I would be $100.00 you voted for. Time to let that lie die.

    Suburban housewives? Good luck. They were watching on January 6th and hate him more now than they did in November. So do Bernie supporters who sat out 2016 in spite but, after 4 years of the shit show, got behind someone with a beating heart. Says a lot about your guy whether you are listening or not.

    Lastly, when you talk about who he came along and appealed to, the “forgotten Americans”, that’s not true. He appealed to some of the least educated, lowest IQ individuals in the US. They are much easier to manipulate that those who can critically think and maybe decide staging a coup might result in consequences. DUMB F*$@%.

    There are people who believe the glass is half full and those who believe it half empty. The fact that people still cling to this deranged narcissist, leave me believing the glass is full of PISS.


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