Daily Archives: February 10, 2021

Glass Half Full

Three things that didn’t surprise me this week:

Michael Moore broke ANOTHER scale.
Joe Biden got lost on his way back from the presidential crapper.
Tom Brady won ANOTHER Super Bowl.

Anyway…Not sure how discernible it is from my writings…one might need to read between the old lines…but I do have a bit of a soft spot for Donald Trump, the big lug.

And despite the 2020 election…ripped-off like the hubcaps on a broken down Mercedes on I-95…resulting in just a single term for Big Bad Orange Man…there is a glass half full perspective with all of this.

Truth be told, I’m usually more of a “the glass is friggin’ leaking and EMPTY” kind of guy.

To be clear, glass half-full for me…and about 75 million of my closest friends…NOT the Trump Derangement Syndrome half-wits, clearly suffering from an even worse, fully metastasized version of post-Trump TDS, destroying them from within, like some flesh-eating amoeba.

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