Cuckoo For Cocoa Puffs

Last week, I bloviated about a couple of the more disastrous Biden executive orders/actions…and there are a shit ton of others…but I won’t belabor the point.

OK, maybe for one more week.  [The crowd groans]

Ya know, I’m a curious guy…and I just can’t get past this one particular executive order allowing transgender folks…biological “males”…to participate in “women’s” sports.

I mean, was there some clamoring for this in the country that I wasn’t aware of?  Is it some kind of weird “virtue signaling” or “identity politics” the left is pathetically addicted to?  Is Biden making a full-court-press for the “transgender” vote in 2024?

I mean…is THAT even a “thing?”


Look, God knows I have nothing against transgender folks…although some Lefty A-Hole out there will surely brand me a bigot for daring to even question this nonsense…but, c’mon…WTF?

With the stroke of a pen, President Sleepy effectively destroys women’s sports?

But that’s sort of the liberal modus operandi vis-a-vis policy, isn’t it?  Like, push a policy that helps twenty people because it checks an ideological “box,” and/or pays off a big donor…to the detriment of millions.

Then simply scream RACIST! in the face of anyone that dares disagree.

Consider…Olympic, World and U.S. Champion Allyson Felix’s 400 meters lifetime best of 49.26 seconds was beaten thousands of times by men and boys around the world in just the single year of 2017.

Now, this is obviously not to denigrate or minimize the outstanding achievements of Ms. Felix, but to point out the biological differences in muscular, skeletal…and yes, even…HIDE THE CHILDREN!…genitals…between chicks and dudes.

This is IN-F*CKING-SANE.  And having to even articulate it out loud is even MORE insane.

Welcome to the Wacky World of Asinine, Mind-Bending Progressive Left Policies.

Speaking of which…Did you see that loser retread John Kerry last week…pissing away taxpayer money in the dreamed up BS position of “U.S. Special Presidential Envoy for Climate”…I guess that bloated Al Gore wasn’t available…blathering about Climate Change, pushing energy policies that will destroy this country’s economy and security, toot sweet?

Is there a more out of touch, pompous-ass blowhard on the planet than that guy?  Because if there is…PLEASE leave a comment and tell me.  I’d LOVE to know.

He DOES have great hair, though.  Not gonna lie.  I probably hate him most for that.

But here’s a guy that STILL owns a private jet that spews ginormous amounts of carbon emissions, and mansions all over the globe.  If carbon footprints were butts, his would be like ten million Michael Moores.  Yours and mine?  Like a lone bulimic supermodel.   

I mean, who doesn’t despise these hypocrites?

Someone needs to tell Herman Effing Munster that carbon emissions in the U.S. were the lowest in decades on both a real and per capita basis in 2019 under Trump, driven primarily by fracking and the clean burning natural gas boom.

As for those poor oil and gas industry workers?  Remember, Barry Obama told them to learn to “write code”…or something…and Biden and Kerry are telling them they can SOMEDAY move into one of the millions of “new clean energy jobs.”

Right.  And I’m starting for the Chiefs at QB against Brady in the Super Bowl this Sunday.

Sorry Mahomes.  YOU’RE OUT, BUDDY!


Meanwhile back at the ranch, the country is buried under 8 feet of global warming.  Jesus Friggin’ Christ, just make it stop.

This is pure, unadulterated insanity…like if Jared Kushner dumped Ivanka Trump to hook up with that nauseating loudmouth Joy Behar.

Cuckoo for Cocoa-Puffs shit.

Moving right along to the next economy crusher…a pedal-to-the-metal push for a $15 minimum wage.

So…tens of thousands of lost jobs with the stroke of a Bic by shutting down the Keystone pipeline and border wall construction.


The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office estimates that whack-ball minimum wage move would kill as many as 3.7 million jobs.  Probably far more.


I’m a free-market guy through and through.  Let the market determine wages.  

Like, if your business takes out an ad in the Lefty Gazette, offering jobs at 50 cents/hr…you’ll have no employees.  Unless you’re in Cuba or Bangladesh.  Get it, Libtards?  Or do I need to type slower?

I love their argument…that is, when the central government dictates high wages, workers will just spend that extra money, which will then stimulate the economy!

Shit, with that logic, let’s just go balls-to-the-wall and jack up the minimum wage to $50/hr…or even better…$100/hr!!


Except the the only places to spend that “hypothetical” money would be to…oh, I don’t know…drug dealers, hookers, and bookies…because, of course…every restaurant and store in the country would shut down in ten minutes.

Here’s some Drunken Republican tough love for ya…

Businesses have zero obligation to provide YOU a “living wage.”  Whatever that is.

The only entity responsible for YOUR “living wage” is YOU.  Period.

It’s called A M E R I C A.

In the end, between all this bone-crushing executive order crap…impeaching a guy currently reading putts in South Florida…censoring and blacklisting political opponents…Biden’s calls for “unity” are as laughable as his entire illegitimate presidency.

Actions and Deeds over Words, my friends.

That simple concept provides amazing clarity.  Just ask any Trump supporter.

1 thought on “Cuckoo For Cocoa Puffs

  1. Tom

    Dear Drunken Trumper,

    It’s time you rejoin the Republican Party and abandon the personality cult.

    If you are in fact a “free market” guy, then you should accept that Twitter, FB, Amazon and anyone else can ban whoever they want from their platform. They will suffer the consequences of their decision. You can vote with your dollars and drop Amazon and AWS at anytime. Put your money where your mouth is and stand by your distorted views.

    Biden is one of the worst candidates and Presidents in our lifetime. But he’s there because the alternative was far worse. We’ll survive the next four years, but we (real Republicans) have to rebuild the party on principles and policy – not personality. At least disavow Marjorie, or you will continue to empower the Democrats.

    I do agree that your columns tend to be “Bloviated”. The definition of which is: “talk at length, especially in an inflated or empty way”

    Please – go back to being the Drunken Republican


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