Daily Archives: February 4, 2021

Cuckoo For Cocoa Puffs

Last week, I bloviated about a couple of the more disastrous Biden executive orders/actions…and there are a shit ton of others…but I won’t belabor the point.

OK, maybe for one more week.  [The crowd groans]

Ya know, I’m a curious guy…and I just can’t get past this one particular executive order allowing transgender folks…biological “males”…to participate in “women’s” sports.

I mean, was there some clamoring for this in the country that I wasn’t aware of?  Is it some kind of weird “virtue signaling” or “identity politics” the left is pathetically addicted to?  Is Biden making a full-court-press for the “transgender” vote in 2024?

I mean…is THAT even a “thing?”


Look, God knows I have nothing against transgender folks…although some Lefty A-Hole out there will surely brand me a bigot for daring to even question this nonsense…but, c’mon…WTF?

With the stroke of a pen, President Sleepy effectively destroys women’s sports? Continue reading