Executive (Dis)Order

We’re often told elections have consequences.  True dat.

Especially stolen ones.

And this has never been proven MORE true than this past week…the first week of the Biden Administration…which, if it were a summer flick, would be titled, “F*cking Up America One Executive Order at a Time.”

Or maybe “Weekend at Joey’s.”

A propped-up presidency.  Literally.  I swear, I thought I saw one of his sniveling lackeys hold a mirror under his nostrils to see if it fogged up.


Anyway…Biden crammed an executive order colonoscopy…sans lube…up the collective caboose of Americans in the first week…already 40 and counting…AN ALL-TIME RECORD! as The Donald would proudly exclaim…one more disastrous for the country than the next.

And just for historical perspective, the previous four presidents…Trump, Obama, Bush 43, Clinton…had anywhere between zero and five in the first week.


Man, if I had a nickel every time my therapist told me that.

But in terms of the executive orders, they’re really just a big FU…meaning F Unity, in this case.

And with nary an explanation.  Why?


But you’re a goddamn racist and overall horrible human being for even asking.  In fact, that IS the explanation.

A couple of the worst…

I have to start with my favorite…scrapping the Keystone XL pipeline, a 1,700 mile project that would have moved oil from the Canadian Province of Alberta to the Texas gulf coast.

You’ll recall, of course, the Obama Administration blocked this project using the tired and obvious stall tactic of “environmental” concerns…and still never approved it, even after several studies over several years indicated no significant environmental issues.

So said Obama’s own State Department.  It was all a canard anyway.  They had zero intention of EVER approving it.  Big effing liars.

Bye Bye 11,000 high paying jobs.
Bye Bye energy independence and security.

And virtually everyone…except the greenie goons…is screaming bloody murder about it…Republicans, Democrats…EVEN FRIGGIN’ CANADA!!!

Shit, when you’ve lost those Socialist Hosers north of the border, you’re REALLY barking up the wrong policy tree.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau…ever the diplomat…said he was “disappointed” by this order.

And we’re all aghast at the notion of disappointing Prime Minister Snowflake.

So let me get this straight…instead of cleanly zipping through a sleek, shiny pipeline…they’d rather dangerously transport oil via rail and highway, spewing gobs of damaging emissions into the atmosphere in the process?

Do I have that right, Libtards?

Once again…another asinine Dumbocrat policy, on its face horrible for Americans for which there is no coherent explanation.

No coherent explanation, mind you…but a very clear message.


Maybe if you scumbag rubes coughed up some hookers, Super Bowl tickets, and private jet junkets down to the Bahamas…LIKE THE TREE HUGGER LOBBY DOES…then we can talk.  Maybe.

Oh yeah…and they’ve also put the kibosh on fracking and oil and gas leasing on federal lands, where most oil production is done out West.

Almost 60,000 jobs.  POOF!


These are sick, dangerous bastards.  

Now onto my other favorite.  And I’ll pause a moment to give you a chance to go fetch a fresh barf bag.

Cue the Jeopardy music…OK, we’re back.  [applause sign blinks]

So…as sure as that tooth-sucking, shit-for-brains Nancy Pelosi will say something massively stupid today, you just KNEW this one was coming.

An executive order halting ALL border wall construction.  IMMEDIATELY!  So pathetically predictable.

Wait…you mean the border wall that was built in strategic places as specified by the career border patrol experts…and when used in conjunction with critical human and technological resources, helped to efficiently drive illegal immigration down by like 80%?

You mean the border wall that then Senators Obama, Clinton, and Schumer all were in favor of, and voted FOR billions of dollars of funding back in 2006?

You mean the border wall that these Lying Leftist Scumbag Subversives characterize as “racist” and a “15th century solution” when built to protect us low-life, redneck, bottom-feeders in flyover country…but are a thousand percent necessary and required when protecting the fat privileged corrupt asses of the global elitists at THEIR precious homes and workplaces?


Another BYE BYE to thousands of high paying jobs.

I’m so sick to death of this retarded debate.  

It’s like arguing against puppies and rainbows.  There is no debate.  Secure the goddamn border.  Period.

Like I’ve heard Trump’s former Acting ICE Director, Tom Homan, say a million times… “There’s no downside to securing the southern border.”

But President Plugs and his boot-licking leftist minions couldn’t give two shits about stopping drug and human traffickers, preventing criminals from waltzing over the border like Fred Astaire, or protecting the physical safety and economic well-being of Americans.

The Left considers illegal aliens to be nothing more than future Democrat party voters…useful idiots, if you will.

So they should assimilate quite nicely with the existing idiots who already vote for Democrats. 

And so it goes…Biden’s unilateral destruction of prosperity and security continues…

My advice?  Go get some socks with handle bars on them so you have something to hold onto whilst getting violated by the Biden Administration.

THANK YOU SIR, MAY I HAVE ANOTHER!!!”…wailed a bent-over Kevin Bacon in Animal House.

Christ, even the faux journalist Marxists at The NY Times penned an editorial this week titled, “Ease up on the Executive Actions, Joe”…imploring him to pursue bipartisan legislative solutions…however elusive that may seem.

When you’ve gone too far kooky left for the likes of Canada and The NY Times…that’s a big raging red flag.

Just another flag they’ll burn, I reckon.

2 thoughts on “Executive (Dis)Order

  1. Stephanie Engels

    How do you get around when you are so knee deep in conspiracy theories? Along with stolen election I’m guessing flat earther? Lizzard people? Pizzagate? Faked moon landing? Oh to live in a world where everyone is deceiving you with the exception of a prolific, lying, reality tv star. Sounds like blissful delusion. Maybe you could feel more useful if you contributed to Guilliani’s legal defense fund. He’s going to need it when Dominion proves it was all a lie and the cult members bought it.

    This isn’t a blog post, it is a manifesto. “I personally like manifestos because when someone writes one of those, you know they’re f*$@!+? CRAZY! Might I suggest a word to mediate on? Succinct…..

  2. Tom

    I’m starting to see the genius of Trump. We all know Trump was a vibrant Democrat for years. He finally left the Democrat party in 2009. But did he? The evidence is clear, because he did everything he could for four years to sabotage his re-election. Trump’s communications and PR were so abysmal and destructive that we elected the worst Democrat we’ve ever seen as President. This was “The Plan” all along. Genius.

    Be careful, because Trump’s next move to destroy the Republican party will be decisive and the fatal blow. If/When Trump forms his new “Patriot” party and splits off 25 million Republicans, he will have accomplished what no other Democrat could have dreamed about – erasing the Republican party from any meaningful role going forward. Democrats will rule unencumbered for 100 years. If you think Joe is bad, then you ain’t seen nothing yet.

    History will recognize Trump as the greatest Democrat of all time.

    Wake up! You claim to be the Drunken Republican, but you’ve fallen prey to the genius Democrat Trump plan. True Republicans recognize the false prophet and want to rebuild the foundation of the Republican party that promotes Free Enterprise, Smaller Government, and Fiscal Responsibility with Dignity and Integrity.


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