The Scarlet T

When Freddie Mercury crooned, “another one bites the dust,” he was clearly referring to BS liberal media narrative.

Multiple ongoing investigations into the epic failure of the Capitol police and DC Mayor Muriel Bowser to secure the Capitol building on January 6th clearly indicate there was dire, actionable intelligence rifling through multiple law enforcement agencies days before the Capitol riots that right wing extremist groups had plans to violently storm the Capitol…with zippo interest in Trump’s ACTUAL speech.

And clearly paying no heed to The Donald’s admonition to “peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.”

This will surely go down as the most stark and egregious law enforcement failure in U.S. history.

So stark, in fact, that both sides of the aisle are completely simpatico on that point, which unequivocally undermines the concocted left wing narratives that TRUMP INCITED AN INSURRECTION!! and HE MUST BE IMPEACHED NOW!!!

Pure insanity.  What blithering, lying A-Holes.  But of course, facts are as meaningless to a Lefty as a kale salad is to lard ass Michael Moore.

Intelligence warnings aside, simply the prima facie scenario of that day itself clearly called for massive security and impenetrable protective measures around the Capitol.

This was as obvious as a brick through a window.  An apropos analogy.

Now, for Sleepy’s inauguration….thankfully, and historically scheduled before nappy time…the Left all of a sudden EMBRACES a massive show of force by the National Guard?

Would anyone like to join me in a group eye roll?

Back during the “Summer of Love” torching of American cities by Antifa and BLM Marxists, that ditzy jackass Pelosi referred to the National Guard and other federal law enforcement as “stormtroopers.”

That nauseating broad singlehandedly keeps the barf bag business booming.

And big beautiful walls, decried by the Left as “immoral,” and a “15th century solution,” vis-a-vis securing THE SOUTHERN BORDER, and providing security for us flyover country rubes…now are not only embraced, but DEMANDED!! when protecting the privileged arses of the elitist political class.

So we have 25,000 armed National Guard and the installation of security fencing around the perimeter of the Capitol to protect the inauguration.

And I’m down with that.

But geez…the fencing and just 5,000 troops would have done the trick on January 6th.  A no brainer…quite the appropriate phrase when referring to Lefties.

And DC Mayor Muriel Bowser made goddamn sure it didn’t happen.  But to be fair…and we here at the Drunken Republican are slaves to fairness…she WAS apparently quite concerned with “traffic control.”

My gut…and every other sense…tells me this was by design. 

It is the modus operandi, after all, of Far Left Mayors these days…sacrifice their city, and choose the mayhem and destruction perpetrated by violent mobs over “Law and Order,” in quest of some perceived political end.

The Left doesn’t merely traffic in selective condemnation, but pure, unadulterated complicity.

See Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland, Kenosha, DC, New York, LA, Nashville, Atlanta, yada yada.

Call it a conspiracy theory if you like.  I call it obvious.

Republicans condemn it all.  Republicans don’t conflate “peaceful protest” with “extremist violence” as does the Left…wielding a brush so broad, it could paint the side of a barn with one hefty swipe.


As I teased last week…the sixty-four dollar question is what EXACTLY possessed hundreds of thousands of Americans to trek across the country to PEACEFULLY PROTEST at our nation’s Capitol?

Free Beer, maybe?  ALWAYS gets me off my lazy ass.

Despite conventional wisdom, the inflection point was NOT the 2020 election itself…only a fool would arrive at such a naive and superficial conclusion.

It was January 20th, 2017, at 12:19pm…a mere 19 minutes after President Trump’s inauguration.

It was at that precise moment, the Mavens of Marxism at that piece of shit rag Washington Post, most useful for house training puppies, declared in a headline…”The Campaign To Impeach President Trump Has Begun.”

A rare…and horrifying…truth, ironically uttered by the biggest liars on the planet.  An unprecedented notion completely antithetical to everything this great nation stands for.

But sadly…and unequivocally…proven true EVERY FRIGGIN’ DAY in the ensuing four years.

People that express such psychotic idiocy out loud typically reside in padded rooms, with the nearest sharp object relocated to the next town.

But who knew the Leftist wet dreams of destroying Trump and anyone that dared labor in his Administration…by any illegal, corrupt, or unethical means necessary…would ultimately extend to his supporters as well.

The “Scarlet T,” if you will.

But c’mon, this was clearly telegraphed years ago as Trump supporters were thrown out of restaurants, and cold-cocked in the street whilst donning a red hat and whistling a happy tune.

So, famed African-American sports journalist Jason Whitlock…who often branches out beyond sports to opine on the world of culture and politics…wrote a brilliant piece that perfectly captures the essence of the roots of this madness.

So brilliant in fact, I’d like to defer to Mr. Whitlock by taking a rare back seat and providing several strategically selected excerpts from his commentary, more spot on than a parade of dalmations.

And besides…who among us doesn’t have fond memories of back seats?

“For four years now, the billionaire and millionaire elites who control academia, the mainstream media, politics, popular culture, and the sports world have framed Trump supporters as racist deplorables worthy of elimination from society.”

“These same elites spent the past decade elevating Michael Brown, George Floyd, Jacob Blake, Rayshard Brooks, Eric Garner, and other resisting criminal suspects to icon status while simultaneously raising bail money for protesters willing to riot, loot, burn, and vandalize in the name of racial justice.”

“This blatant hypocrisy will not go unchallenged. You cannot ignore the desires, concerns and feelings of 74 million citizens. You cannot write them off as Nazis and answer all their complaints with allegations of racism or sexism. That’s fascism.”

“At this point, the Deplorables should be commended for their restraint. Antifa and Black Lives Matter search, burn, and destroy well into the wee hours. The Deplorables returned to their hotel rooms by nightfall and watched our lawmakers return to work inside the Capitol by 8 p.m.”

“The people wagging their fingers the hardest at Trump and the Deplorables sanctioned, financed, and promoted political violence throughout all of 2020 and for much of the past decade.”

“Trumpism is the cry of American citizens uninterested in adopting the cultures and customs of France, China, Italy, Cuba, Venezuela, Canada, or any of the other places global elites romanticize. Trumpism is the cry of the working class who believe the Big Tech billionaires are building an America that cuts them out of the American Dream. Trumpism is the cry of Americans who value authenticity over the fraudulence of political correctness.”

“The price of ignoring their cries will be war, a civil war.”

Quite simply…They’re mad as hell, and they’re not gonna take it anymore.

THAT’S why they friggin’ showed up.

The Scarlet T, indeed.  Wear it proudly.  I do.

5 thoughts on “The Scarlet T

  1. Tom

    It seems like you’ve decided to be the Drunken Trumper and not the Drunken Republican. Perhaps it’s time to change your tag line.


    Tom – Great comment, of course you’re an idiot. Mike is in bed with me (literally).. he can see the STOLEN ELECTION.

    I WILL RETURN! Mike – see you in the capital soon.


        Great – cause my career is dead. Hopefully you still love me. I mean, most of America is as stupid as you.


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