Daily Archives: January 21, 2021

The Scarlet T

When Freddie Mercury crooned, “another one bites the dust,” he was clearly referring to BS liberal media narrative.

Multiple ongoing investigations into the epic failure of the Capitol police and DC Mayor Muriel Bowser to secure the Capitol building on January 6th clearly indicate there was dire, actionable intelligence rifling through multiple law enforcement agencies days before the Capitol riots that right wing extremist groups had plans to violently storm the Capitol…with zippo interest in Trump’s ACTUAL speech.

And clearly paying no heed to The Donald’s admonition to “peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.”

This will surely go down as the most stark and egregious law enforcement failure in U.S. history.

So stark, in fact, that both sides of the aisle are completely simpatico on that point, which unequivocally undermines the concocted left wing narratives that TRUMP INCITED AN INSURRECTION!! and HE MUST BE IMPEACHED NOW!!!

Pure insanity.  What blithering, lying A-Holes.  But of course, facts are as meaningless to a Lefty as a kale salad is to lard ass Michael Moore. Continue reading