Incitement? That’s a Riot!!!

With tweets like the following, what do you expect to happen???

Our election was hijacked.  There is no question.  Congress has a duty to #ProtectOurDemocracy & #FollowTheFacts.”

Horrible.  I mean…wait…my assistant is telling me something.  What?  That wasn’t Trump?  That was a Nancy Pelosi tweet on May 16th, 2017?

GOTCHA!  Hahahahaha…

OK, time to put on my serious hat…to the extent possible anyway.

The attack on the Capitol on January 6th was a horrific, disgusting and nauseating event perpetrated by extremist Right Wing assholes.  Period.  Full stop.

As with 99.9% of the rest of the country, I was shocked and saddened at the sight of this violent mayhem, and fully condemn every speck of it.

A far cry from cities burning in the “Summer of Rage,” vis-a-vis universal condemnation.  Just sayin’.

A warped moment of unity spawned by an event cloaked in disunity.

But most of all, I was infuriated.

Infuriated that these extremist pricks metaphorically trashed, in one fell swoop, the ENTIRE Trump “movement,” sullying 75 million supporters, and handed the Left a battering ram with which the cabal of totalitarian leftist bastards…Media, Big Tech, and Dem politicians…will relentlessly and endlessly beat Republicans and Trump supporters over the head.

Thanks for nuthin’, A-Holes!

Infuriated that Trump seemingly entered the world of delusion late in the process, believing, or at least, falsely promising to Trump supporters, that the election results would actually get overturned.

Yes…I believe 100%…based on facts and information…this election was stolen.  And I’ve written a few thousand words backing up this assertion.

But as I indicated the very first time I wrote on the subject…it was NEVER going to get overturned, for a myriad of reasons.

And this is where Trump…a guy who knows a thing or two about going too far…went too far.

Despite the righteous efforts to conduct a “warp speed” investigation, and pull any and all legal and constitutional levers at their disposal to contest the election results…JUST LIKE THE DEMOCRATS DID AFTER THE 2000, 2004, and 2016 ELECTIONS…reversal of the results was simply never going to happen.

But most of all, I was infuriated at the absolute shit treatment Trump directed at unequivocally his most fervent and unwavering loyalist, Mike Pence.  And by all accounts, Pence…the most decent, mild mannered guy on the planet…was absolutely…and rightfully…livid over said treatment.

NY Post columnist Miranda Devine concisely and quite accurately articulates my overall infuriation…

The storming of the U.S. Capitol…has bestowed the great gift of the moral high ground on the most undeserving people in the world: Joe Biden and the Left.  They now have a free pass to persecute their ideological enemies while enacting their pet cultural Marxist projects and changing this country irrevocably for the worst.”

Brilliantly put…not to mention the goddamn truth.

OK…without blathering on further…that pretty much encapsulates my feelings.

Like it.  Don’t like it.  I really don’t give a f*ck…with all due respect.

OK.  Unity show over.  Tip your waitress generously.

As famed American broadcasting legend, the late Paul Harvey, used to say…”And now, the REST OF THE STORY”…

My God, where to effing begin.  

Let’s first focus on filling in the perennially missing context and nuance, the absence of which is the mother’s milk of media narrative.

Case in point…all this talk about Trump INCITING THE VIOLENT MOB!…pure unadulterated bullshit.

It’s quite simple, actually.

If the quarter-million people there had all stormed the capital, then…depending on the actual text of the speech…a coherent “incitement” accusation could be leveled at the Prez.

Except they didn’t.

This siege on the Capitol, perpetrated by right wing extremist groups…with an assist from a handful of both left wing extremist infiltrators and overzealous schlubs caught up in the “frenzy”…was carefully orchestrated and planned on the Internet…in full, glorious view…in the weeks leading up to the protest.  And the authorities knew it.


And those words were no different than in any other rally or speech delivered by The Donald post-election.  I know, because I watched them all.

Among those words on January 6th…

We’re going to walk down to the Capitol, and we’re going to cheer on our brave Senators, and Congressmen and women.”

“I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.”

So we’re going to…walk down Pennsylvania Avenue, and we are going to the Capitol, and we are going to try and give…our Republicans…the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country.”

Cheer them on?  Peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard?  Give them pride and boldness?

Incitement?  Really?  That’s not even a “stretch.”  It’s a lie bigger than Michael Moore’s fat cellulite-ridden ass.

And don’t accuse me of attempting to absolve Trump of any responsibility for this mess.

Trump is not blameless…far from it.

But incitement?  Impeachable offense?   Give me a f*cking break.

And by the way…right below the actual perpetrators of the Capitol mayhem on the totem pole of blame is DC Mayor Muriel Bowser and the Capitol Police.

Bowser and the Capitol Police only requested a minimal number of unarmed, plain clothes National Guard presence for “traffic control.”  Huh?

Shit, there’s video of Capitol Police moving barricades to help the extremists move closer to the Capitol building…even taking selfie’s with them.

They monumentally blew it on EVERY level.  With deadly consequences.

If there was ever a time to institute DEFCON 1 security measures given the hundreds of thousands of pissed-off protesters expected…and Right Wing extremist groups planning in full view on the internet for weeks plans to storm the Capitol…THIS WAS F*CKING IT.


Yet they prepared like a mere Girl Scout Jamboree was rolling into town.

Apparently, our good friends in Congressional leadership on both sides of the aisle agree with me.

The following firings/forced resignations have happened, or will, at the behest of Nancy Pelosi, Mitch McConnell, and Chuck Schumer..

  • Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund
  • Senate Sergeant-at-Arms Michael Stenger
  • House Sergeant-at-Arms Paul Irving (No relation to Julius).

The swiftness of these actions…another freakish display of unity…further proves my point.


But in the end, the headline SHOULD HAVE BEEN…”Right Wing extremists attempting to breach the Capitol thwarted by National Guard.”

A conspiracy theorist might even suggest they didn’t WANT that politically benign headline.  Hmmm…

The question, my friends, has nothing to do with the actual extremists that stormed the Capitol, which was planned out in the open, and enabled by the sheer incompetence of the DC Mayor and Capitol Police.  

The real question is…what possessed…what drove…a quarter of a million Patriots to journey from all corners of the nation to PEACEFULLY protest in Washington D.C.?

Counterintuitive as it may seem, the answer is NOT just the election.  That was simply the camel’s back finally breaking.

That’s next week’s preview.  Gloves off.  STAY TUNED!!!  And now a word from our sponsor…

Just kidding.  Anyone that sponsors me would be out of business in two seconds.

I’d like to close with a quote from the great Eric Stratton, AKA Otter, from the movie classic Animal House, as he could have been speaking of these extremist scumbags that stormed the Capitol…

The issue here is not whether we broke a few rules, or took a few liberties with our female party guests – we did.”

Dammit, wrong quote.

THIS one…actually a quite apropos mash-up of two separate Otter quotes…

What a shame that a few bad apples have to spoil a good time for everyone by breaking the rules…But you can’t hold a whole fraternity responsible for the behavior of a few sick, twisted individuals.”

Clearly, Otter’s drunkenness and womanizing is only exceeded by his profound wisdom.

3 thoughts on “Incitement? That’s a Riot!!!

  1. Taco Pepper

    Bravo, in most parts, I actually agree with a lot of your summary. The one place we diverge is on whether or not Trump was accountable for the violence. He perpetuated this election fraud nonsense (as do you apparently) without a single piece of evidence that holds up to judicial review, even from judges handpicked by Trump himself. If anything ever surfaces, we can revisit, but to date, there is scant evidence of any such tomfoolery and yet because these numb nuts believe anything they hear from the Liar in Chief, they got all frothed up over a stack of lies. Trump’s lies. Without him baselessly pushing this lie for months while losing in court more often than Washington Generals, this stupid freak show rally never would have even happened.
    He promoted this event on his thankfully disabled Twitter feed, promising a “wild time”. If you don’t think that phrasing further enabled these whacko hillbillies to push the limits, you are crazier than those Q loonies.

    And just to reinforce his support for this action, after the fact, what did President Idiot say? “We love you, you are very special.” Yeah, real condemnation.

    I have told you for 4 years Trump was an awful human being with no soul, and a terrible President. Glad you finally got to bear witness to his horrific lack of integrity or values, even at the expense of human life and our constitution phony Trump lovers claim to love so much.

    Now he is leaving in a week (or less) as a broken, defeated, hated piece of garbage. Good riddance. To every clown who reads this blog and has faithfully supported this epic failure for the past four years, IT’S OVER. We win. Trump fans lose. The End.

  2. Stephanie Engels

    I wonder if Trump will offer to pay the legal fees of these criminals much like he did those at his rallies before he was ever elected. “Knock the crap out of him. I’ll pay your legal fees.”

    In literature they call that “foreshadowing” and it inevitably points to something that happens in the end.

    1. Johnny Utah

      If he’s smart he will wait to see if our new VP (soon to be new president after poor Sleepy Joe is finally taken out to pasture) will raise money for their bail like she did for the rioters in Minnesota.


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