Daily Archives: January 13, 2021

Incitement? That’s a Riot!!!

With tweets like the following, what do you expect to happen???

Our election was hijacked.  There is no question.  Congress has a duty to #ProtectOurDemocracy & #FollowTheFacts.”

Horrible.  I mean…wait…my assistant is telling me something.  What?  That wasn’t Trump?  That was a Nancy Pelosi tweet on May 16th, 2017?

GOTCHA!  Hahahahaha…

OK, time to put on my serious hat…to the extent possible anyway.

The attack on the Capitol on January 6th was a horrific, disgusting and nauseating event perpetrated by extremist Right Wing assholes.  Period.  Full stop.

As with 99.9% of the rest of the country, I was shocked and saddened at the sight of this violent mayhem, and fully condemn every speck of it.

A far cry from cities burning in the “Summer of Rage,” vis-a-vis universal condemnation.  Just sayin’.

A warped moment of unity spawned by an event cloaked in disunity. Continue reading