Spending Porn

As I’m about to publish this blog, the Georgia Senate runoff looks like the Socialists will unbelievably take both seats, although the Perdue/Ossoff race is too close to call.  But with many of the remaining votes coming from deep blue DeKalb county near Atlanta, the writing seems to be on the wall like graffiti on a subway car.

AND…Republicans in the House and Senate will formally contest Sleepy’s election, while Trump is set to speak to tens of thousands of supporters in DC protesting the fraud that was perpetrated on November 3rd.

So…as all of this progresses and marinates in my brain for a week…along with copious amounts of 80-proof beverages…you’ll have to wait patiently for my brilliant, biting analysis.  Or incoherent, offensive rants.  Depending on your perspective.

But until then…

Back in 2018, you might recall when President Trump begrudgingly signed the bipartisan $1.3 trillion omnibus spending bill because he badly needed to rebuild the military and needed that level of funding, he said…

I will never sign another bill like this again.  I’m not going to do it again.  Nobody read it.  It’s only hours old.”

Fast forward two years, and it’s deja vu all over again.

Last month, Congress created the same bloated 5,500-plus page spending bill monstrosity that nobody read because it was only six hours old when Congress had to vote on it…



As you probably know, Trump balked at this bullshit and threatened a veto, but ultimately relented because Congress would have overridden his veto…and many Americans were desperate for the additional COVID relief that “Let’em Eat Cake” Pelosi single-handedly stopped until after the election.

As Americans suffered and small businesses were obliterated.

The vile bitch admitted it Libs, so save your whiny leg-wetting over that statement of fact.

Said differently…they had The Donald by the short curly hairs.

That we can only assume are orange.  Why my mind goes places like that I can’t explain.

Both times, of course, he was railing on the tens of billions of dollars…at least…of wasteful spending pork and BS “foreign aid.”  Nothing like giving billions to countries that effing hate our freedom and capitalism loving guts.

Or as Republican Senator from Louisiana, and National Treasure, John Kennedy, often calls it…Spending Porn.

Don’t like many politicians.  But I love that dude.

Foreign aid, my ass.  Yeah, they typically try to explain that away by spewing vague, meaningless platitudes about our “national interest.”

I would love for one of these douchebags in Congress to explain to the American people what “national interest” is served by giving $10 million to Pakistan for “Gender Studies” in the latest bill.

I’m not kidding.  I wish I was.

Oh, they’ll scoff at a lousy ten million…a mere pimple on the ass of the federal budget, and meaningless chump change for these Congressional Pricks and Prickettes…but ten million is still ten million.

It’s a bullshit f*cking argument to be perfectly blunt, and an arrogant, condescending kick in the nuts to us taxpayers.  Disgraceful.

NEWS FLASH!  The average red-blooded, patriotic American doesn’t give a good goddamn about Pakistan OR gender studies.

Let’s play a fun little guessing game as to how this particular one might have come to fruition.

I’ll go first.

Clearly, some Woke Lib Loser Congressman slipped that in there, right?  So…I’d say the dude traveled to Pakistan on Gov’t business, some Pakistani official got him laid, and this is the “payback.”

OK…your turn.

Um…excuse me…laugh all you want…but can YOU come up with any more coherent scenario for something so budgetarily offensive?

At least on some level, that would compute.  In MY sick and depraved mind, anyway.

A line item veto for presidents would largely solve this crap.  But the Swamp will never let it happen.  EVER.

You’ll see jiggly ass Michael Moore jogging down Miami Beach rocking a six-pack before you ever see this wasteful pork disappear.

Hmmm…the timing of that “pork” reference worked out quite nicely.

So with every new budget, Republican Senator Rand Paul releases a report on some of the government waste in the previous year.

This year’s report, titled, “The Festivus Report 2020,” obviously a takeoff on Seinfeld, identified nearly $55 billion of wasteful spending.

There’s far more, of course.

In the report, he says…”So before we get to the Feats of Strength, it’s time for my Airing of (Spending) Grievances.”


Who knew Rand Paul had such a good sense of humor.  Jerry Stiller (AKA Frank Costanza) would have gotten a kick out of that reference, God rest his soul.

SERENITY NOW!!!  (All the non-Seinfeld people are going, “WTF?”)

Here is a mere sampling of this budgetary vomit…

  • Determine if hot tubbing can lower stress…$2.0 million.
  • Study if you’ll eat ground up bugs…$1.3 million.
  • Interviewed San Franciscans about their edible cannabis use…$3.1 million.
  • Deal with truant Filipino youth…$37.5 million.
  • Help disconnected Tunisian youth not feel like a problem…$48.0 million.
  • Walked lizards on a treadmill…$1.6 million.
  • Subsidizes an insect ranching company’s R&D efforts…$1.3 million.
  • Sprayed alcoholic rats with bobcat urine…$4.6 million.
  • Study why stress makes hair turn gray…$36.8 million.
  • Spend 5 years monitoring elections in Zimbabwe…$10.0 million.

As for that last one…it’s been reported that after witnessing the corrupt fraudulent clusterf*ck that was our presidential election, Zimbabwe said, “Um…on second thought…we’re good.”

That would be like asking your neighbor on the sex offender registry to watch your kids for 30 minutes while you run to the store.

And in keeping with the theme of Congress pissing away your hard-earned tax dollars, I’ve taken the liberty of sending an email to my Congressman with a suggestion for the 2022 budget…a study to determine why plus-size women insist on wearing outfits two sizes too small.

OK…I think we’re all better off if I just end this right here.

3 thoughts on “Spending Porn

  1. Taco Pepper

    In your first paragraph you forgot to mention that Trump’s lies, false claims about the elections and his call for a “wild time” on Twitter ended up with the disgrace we see in Washington D.C. Today’s disaster is the legacy of this traitorous piece of human garbage and every sack of dog squeeze who supported and voted for him. Well done MAGA crowd, great show today.

  2. Tom

    I think it’s a time for deep reflection – seriously. Are you the “Drunken Republican” or are you the “Drunken Trumper” or are you just “Drunk”


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