Daily Archives: December 29, 2020

And Now For Something Completely Different…

Monty Python fans will recognize that title.

Anyway…one thing I’ve learned from writing this blog since 2016 is that viewership is pretty depressed around the Holidays.  Well, sort of depressed ALL the time, but you know what I mean.

Folks are really busy spending time with family, engorging themselves with food and booze, trying to keep their crazy uncle on special Holiday release from the loony bin from frightening the children.

I get it.

But since I hate just going dark…same with turkey and chicken btw, and no, that’s NOT racist…I have in the past just written a (hopefully) funny poem, or some shit like that.

I’ll get caught up on a lot of juicy subjects in the new year, but for now, I have written my own…albeit shortened…version of Jingle Bells, that I have titled, “Wrinkled Balls”…an ode of sorts to our Illegitimate President-Elect, Joe What’s-His-Name.

And of course, it helps if you sing it in your head to the cadence of the actual “Jingle Bells.”

For full nauseating effect.

Enjoy! Continue reading