Merry Censorship!

When I heard that Eric Swalwell, Piss Ant Weasel Lying Congressman from the People’s Republic of California, was targeted for several years by a Cutie Commie Chinese spy named Christine Fang, AKA Fang Fang (that’s slang), who we must assume gave Swalwell a little poon tang by doing some bang bang….I just went, DANG, THE WHOLE SHEBANG!

Anyway, now that I have your attention…

In a nutshell, according to Axios…”Through campaign fundraising, extensive networking, personal charisma, and romantic or sexual relationships…Fang was able to gain proximity to political power.”

And Swalwell was one of Fang’s most significant targets in her quest to gather political intelligence and influence rising U.S. officials on China-related issues.

This Chinese spy-fest came crashing down in 2015 when alarmed federal investigators told Swalwell to cease and desist.  This also marked the first day of Swalwell’s next dry spell.

Pretty big goddamn story, one would think.  Has it all…Spies.  Sex.  International intrigue.  All that’s missing is James Bond rappelling down the Eiffel Tower.

Mission Impossible 37, maybe?

But alas…it didn’t involve a Republican or ANYONE named “Trump,” so…


I mean…If some Republican took a random waitress from Wun Dum Fuk Chinese Cuisine out on a date, there would be months of investigations.

Can’t make this shit up, folks.

Now that I’ve whet your outrage appetite…

If you recall, a few days before the election, the NY Post…one of the oldest newspapers in the country and fourth largest…ran a blockbuster story based on solid reporting about Hunter Biden’s well chronicled influence peddling of the Biden name all around the globe…most notably in China.

The difference NOW, though, is that Joe Biden himself was specifically implicated by an ex-military dude named Tony Bobulinski, the proverbial GUY IN THE ROOM, and Chief Operating Officer of Hunter’s little Influence peddling enterprise.

Seems Hunter F’d him over at some point, so now Bobulinski is singing.

There are piles of documents, emails, texts, and INTERVIEWS AND TESTIMONY from Bobulinski, who spells out how he met with Joe Biden twice personally regarding this operation…AND provided emails clearly indicating that Joe Biden, referred to as “The Big Guy,” was in line to score a 10% stake in a deal with a Chinese energy conglomerate.

The proverbial tip of the iceberg.  This shit has been going on for decades.  I mean, there’s been friggin’ books written on this crap.

Swizzle into all of that corruption the infamous Hunter Biden laptop, the one he dropped off with some computer repair guy in Delaware a few years ago but never picked up, and ultimately ended up in the hands of Rudy Giuliani and the FBI…the latter of which has been investigating Crackhead Hunter for little things like tax evasion and money laundering…since 2018.

And you can bet your sweet ass that “President” Geezer will spend the next four years making sure that laptop never sees the light of day.

Can you say, “Special Counsel?”

That magical laptop likely holds the key to the decades of Biden family corruption that implicates Joe himself, and the rest of the money-grubbing Biden leeches…published pics of drug-addicted Hunter with a crack pipe dangling from his pie hole, and reports of child porn notwithstanding.

As The NY Post’s Michael Goodwin writes in a recent column on this subject…”To this day, neither Hunter nor Joe Biden has disputed any of the emails, messages, and lurid pictures found on the device.”

The REAL issue here, though, FAR eclipses the respective fact patterns/ramifications regarding these Biden and Swalwell corruption orgies.

The aggressive and cavalierly overt suppression of news by the Lefty mainstream media frauds, coupled with the even more aggressive daily censorship by the Big Tech social media companies, is unequivocally the #1 existential threat facing our country.

Like those awesome hotel curtains that stop the morning sun from shining in…the NY Post story right before the election was completely blacked out by virtually every other media outlet, and the Commie Pinko Pukes at Twitter and Facebook ACTUALLY prevented people from simply “sharing” the story.

In fact, The Post literally had their Twitter account shut off…blocked…frozen.  For simply posting a story that ran in their paper.

Fascists defecating on the 1st Amendment is as politely as I can describe that.

These subversive scumbags would use the Constitution to line their little snot-nosed, gender-fluid kid’s gerbil cage if they could.


But this IS the ultimate “power,” isn’t it?

Complete, unfettered control of information…in the form of both suppression and censorship by Big Media and Big Tech, coupled with pushing false narratives masquerading as “news.”

Four long years of this shit.

And it works like a charm.

For example…Most polling I’ve seen indicates pretty consistently that about 10% of Biden voters would not have voted for him if they knew any of this.  Even if it was 5%, Biden loses.

Or they just cheat harder to win.

These bastards…every last one of them…hate this country and the Constitution.  Period.  And I make the same assumption about ANYONE that doesn’t speak out against this crap.

Or worse…fails to even acknowledge it.  In which case…YOU’RE PART OF THE PROBLEM.  Scratch that…you ARE the effing problem.

Make no mistake…the real levers of power in this country reside not in Washington, but in Silicon Valley, and newsrooms across the country.

And the bought and paid for DC swamp creatures they give millions to so they’re elected are simply their submissive bitches…bending over to their every political whim.  

Both literally and figuratively.  

I’ll leave you with two quotes to ponder…

Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing.”    George Orwell

America will never be destroyed from the outside.  If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves”.    Abraham Lincoln

Yeah.  What THEY said.

MERRY CENSORSHIP!!!   And…Merry Christmas!


4 thoughts on “Merry Censorship!

  1. Taco Pepper

    Would you prefer the media spend more time talking about the daily dose of lies we get fed by our current President? He got stomped in this election and he is working non-stop to override that legal outcome with his campaign of completely unfounded BS. All he is proving every single day is why the majority of us hate him so passionately and would vote for Joe Biden and ten corrupt sons and laptops over the current fecal stain.

    If you support any of his post-election nonsense, spare me your phony patriotism or your phony love for the constitution. There is no single greater assault on our freedoms than what we are witnessing every day. Even Feaux News and Newsmax had to say it was unfounded. As did the Senate Majority leader, the Attorney General and noted Trump allies like Chris Christie.

    Until you acknowledge what an aspiring fascist dictator wanna-be DJT is, you are completely missing the boat.

    Trump lost. He’s a one-term loser.

    PS You owe me $50.

  2. Tom

    Trump Failed. Trump Lost. Trump is History. Now it’s time for other Republicans to rise to the occasion and lead us forward. There are plenty of great leaders ready to take the mantle with integrity and vision. You Gotta Believe!

  3. Tom

    Here’s the plan:
    1. Defeat Trump (Check)
    2. Retain the Senate
    3. Endure inconsequential Bidden/Harris/Pelosi gobbledygook
    4. Watch Trump fade away and be disavowed
    5. Republicans rise from the quagmire with integrity and vision
    6. Win back the House – 2022
    7. Win back the Presidency – 2024
    8. Peace & Prosperity for all

  4. Taco Pepper

    Tom that’s a nice fantasy but most Republicans are much more inclined to keep going down the Loser Hole with a man who can’t even agree with his own party on a stimulus bill, vetoes a defense spending bill because he has a woody for treasonous Confederate soldiers, and is doing everything within his power to act like a b1tch and sabotage the country as much as he can.

    Until any Republicans with a soul and a conscience steps up and finally disavows and disregards Mr One-Term Loser, they are slated to suffer.

    We learned two things in this election. The country does not like extreme left politics, and it doesn’t like jerks like Trump.


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