Daily Archives: December 22, 2020

Merry Censorship!

When I heard that Eric Swalwell, Piss Ant Weasel Lying Congressman from the People’s Republic of California, was targeted for several years by a Cutie Commie Chinese spy named Christine Fang, AKA Fang Fang (that’s slang), who we must assume gave Swalwell a little poon tang by doing some bang bang….I just went, DANG, THE WHOLE SHEBANG!

Anyway, now that I have your attention…

In a nutshell, according to Axios…”Through campaign fundraising, extensive networking, personal charisma, and romantic or sexual relationships…Fang was able to gain proximity to political power.”

And Swalwell was one of Fang’s most significant targets in her quest to gather political intelligence and influence rising U.S. officials on China-related issues.

This Chinese spy-fest came crashing down in 2015 when alarmed federal investigators told Swalwell to cease and desist.  This also marked the first day of Swalwell’s next dry spell. Continue reading