
OK, I promised myself I wouldn’t belabor the point or beat a dead horse regarding all this election fraud crap.

Of course, promises to myself are typically emptier that Nancy Pelosi’s cranial cavity.

Plus, in case you haven’t noticed…if one is looking for someone to belabor a point or beat a dead horse…well, I’m you’re guy.

Anyway, I’ve come across SO many interesting and compelling things that are virtually unexplainable BUT FOR the fraud…I just had to share.

So, without further ado…I welcome you to The Drunken Republican World of Statistics.

God help us all.

For the record, this information was obtained from multiple sources online.  But obviously not ANY mainstream, fake news book-burners, who are loathe to have ANYONE see ANY of this.

So, there’s been tons of this stuff, but two guys that really caught my eye were Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai an MIT PhD, and Dr. Navid Keshavarz-Nia, another PhD that is unequivocally considered one of the foremost experts in cybersecurity in the country, and has spent 35 years connecting top-secret dots for the CIA, NSA, and FBI.

Like, this guy is the LeBron James of the cybersecurity world.  Although I hear he can’t shoot a three-pointer to save his life.

I’ll keep this as simple and concise as possible.  A true challenge for your truly.

Let’s start with the former, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai.  I watched him testify this week at an election fraud hearing held by the Republican members of the Arizona Legislature.

Dr. Shiva, as they call him, reviewed a statistical analysis he performed, starting with two curves created…one each for Biden and Trump…based upon a plotting of total votes in Arizona, by precinct, from the smallest precinct to the largest.

Without getting too much into the weeds, he then ran a Monte Carlo-type process (not that exact one) attempting to recreate those exact curves, based upon how each “registered” voting class voted by percent.

Like Dems voted 85% for Biden, 15% for Trump, and so on.  And the same for those registered Republican, Independent, Libertarian, and Green.

So, when he ran millions of scenarios Monte Carlo-style, the one that replicated the curves EXACTLY, yielded “registered Democrats” as voting 130% for Biden and -30% for Trump.

Wait, what?  

Confused?  Don’t be.  Actually makes sense because this tracks completely with features of all Dominion Voting Machines that have both a “weighting feature” for votes, as well as vote switching capabilities.

For example, you can “weight” a Biden vote as 1.3, and a Trump vote as 0.7.  Or simply access the system remotely and literally drag and drop votes from one candidate to another.

And these are just two proven methods by which the Venezuela’s of the world fixed elections in the past with these exact machines/software.

Curious, to say the least, why a purportedly “vote tabulation” system would even have a “weighting feature.”  Cheating is the ONLY answer, of course.

Any other sane explanation?  Anyone?  Anyone?  Bueller?  Bueller?

Taking nothing away from Dr. Shiva’s statistical chops, let’s move on to Dr. Navid Keshavarz-Nia, our REAL heavyweight cybersecurity expert.

Heavyweight as in “world class expertise”…NOT Michael Moore “ass as big as a UPS truck” heavyweight.  Just to clarify.

He performed his analysis based on NY Times “data sets.”  In addition, the Libs at the NY Times in an article a few months ago on an unrelated cybersecurity story, fawned over the brilliance of this dude.

So it will be as tough as a gristly steak for these faux journalist half-wits at The Times to trash and discredit this guy.  Not that they won’t try.

Anyway, the following are a few verbatim excerpts from his nine-page sworn affidavit…

I have conducted detailed analysis of the NY Times data sets and have discovered significant anomalies are caused by fraudulent manipulation of the results.

These alterations were the result of systemic and widespread exploitable vulnerabilities in [the Dominion Voting System and related systems and software] that enabled operators to achieve the desired results.

In my view, the evidence is overwhelming and incontrovertible.

In my expert judgment, the evidence is widespread and throughout all battleground states I have studied. I conclude the following:

a. The vote count distribution in PA, WI, MI, AZ, NV, and GA are not based on normal system operation. Instead, they are caused by fraudulent electronic manipulation of the targeted voting machines;

b. On approximately 2:30 AM EST, TV broadcasts reported that PA, WI, AZ, NV and GA have decided to cease vote counting operations and will continue the following day. The unanimous decision to intentionally stop counting by all 5 battleground states is highly unusual, possibly unprecedented and demonstrates prior coordination by election officials in battleground states.

However, it is equally puzzling that the vote counting did not stop, as reported. In fact, it continued behind closed doors in early hours of November 4, 2020.

This activity is highly unusual and demonstrates collusion to achieve the desired results without being monitored by watchers.

The evidence is both extensive and persuasive and indicates large-scale fraud by remote operators.

A quick addendum to all that…my research tells me that stopping the vote counting for a few hours late in the process was a classic tactic in places like Venezuela that used these machines to fix elections.

Typically, because the vote counts were getting away from them, and they had to “intervene.”  And Trump had big leads in most of these states when this happened.

So…this inexplicably happens here…only in the battleground states, almost simultaneously?  In the wee hours of the morning?  Are you f*cking kidding me?

Ya know, if I’m standing outside the Bunny Ranch in Vegas, and I see some dude waltzing out the front door with a big shit-eating grin on his face…well, I may not have been in the room, but I know what friggin’ happened!

Anyway…my conclusion?  Anyone that STILL believes that corpse Biden got 80 million f*cking votes and won every battleground state on the up and up needs to start weaning themselves off the psychedelic mushrooms.

Look…This stuff is so politically radioactive, most Judges have simply punted thus far, cowardly citing lack of evidence and other such shit…until now.

A glimmer of hope early this week, as a Federal Judge in Georgia ordered voting machines to be preserved and not wiped clean or reset in three Georgia counties so a forensic audit can be performed.

Not enough Judges out there, I reckon, with the balls…or the testicular “equivalent” for a lady Judge…to take similar action.

Testicular equivalent?   Pure literary gold.

4 thoughts on “Stats-R-Us

  1. Tom B

    Thank Goodness there is such overwhelming direct evidence of the fraud that we don’t have to rely on circumstantial speculation.
    Thank Goodness we have a strong and competent Attorney General that will prosecute the criminals that perpetrated the fraud.
    Thank Goodness we have a stronger judicial system under Trump that will ensure a fair and equitable assessment of the facts in a court of law.
    Thank Goodness we have a majority of state Governors and Legislatures controlled by Republicans that will ensure that only valid votes are certified.
    I am Thankful that all these forces will come together to ensure that the Fraud will be uncovered, the criminals prosecuted and only the legal votes counted, so that the true President is inaugurated on January 20th.

  2. Taco Pepper

    Present facts in court or STFU. This is just as laughable as the 40 lawsuits that have been dismissed. You just can’t grasp, even after narrowly winning PA, WI and MI in 2016, how many of us have grown to hate the most dishonest and incompetent President in US history.

    This entire blog post reeks of Alex Jones. I really hope you wake up and realize how bad Trump was and how committed so many of us were and are to removing him office. I told you for four years Trump would not be re-elected. I was right and you were wrong. I told you when he wasn’t running against the lightning rod of HRC and in fact, became the one every one wanted to vote against, he would lose and he did.

    When you have some actual evidence that isn’t some whacky byproduct of Newsmax, please present it in a court of law with your amazing legal team.

    The Attorney General you appointed, the Republican governor of GA, and many others also dismiss this nonsense for exactly what it is.

    If anybody was truly capable of cheating in this election, it would have been the incumbent power who cheated on all three of his wives, thousands of business partners, his taxes, his entrance exams and every game of golf he has every played.

    Glad to see you and Trump have fully embraced the mantra of George Costanza: “It’s not a lie if you believe it.”

    Trump lost, he is a one term loser, and he is just further staining his awful legacy with this sham.

    And please, don’t insult us with any more talk of patriotism. Patriots don’t try to dismantle and invalidate the entire system on which this country was founded because they don’t like the results. You just sound like a whiny baby crying blaming the refs when your team lost by 4 touchdowns.

    Trump lost.. and all of Trump nation lost.


    Present facts or accept this loss like an American and not some third world dictatorship with truly rigged elections.

    PS: You owe me $50.

  3. Stephanie Engels

    It is crazy to me how you keep following Trump further into the fringe instead of facing reality. What is that meme??? Something like it must be really sad to think scientists, economists, historians, etc are all lying to you but that a proven con man is the only person telling you the truth. I’m guessing you have had one too many of Alex Jones’ supplements. That shit will make you stupid AND turn the frogs gay.


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