Monthly Archives: December 2020

And Now For Something Completely Different…

Monty Python fans will recognize that title.

Anyway…one thing I’ve learned from writing this blog since 2016 is that viewership is pretty depressed around the Holidays.  Well, sort of depressed ALL the time, but you know what I mean.

Folks are really busy spending time with family, engorging themselves with food and booze, trying to keep their crazy uncle on special Holiday release from the loony bin from frightening the children.

I get it.

But since I hate just going dark…same with turkey and chicken btw, and no, that’s NOT racist…I have in the past just written a (hopefully) funny poem, or some shit like that.

I’ll get caught up on a lot of juicy subjects in the new year, but for now, I have written my own…albeit shortened…version of Jingle Bells, that I have titled, “Wrinkled Balls”…an ode of sorts to our Illegitimate President-Elect, Joe What’s-His-Name.

And of course, it helps if you sing it in your head to the cadence of the actual “Jingle Bells.”

For full nauseating effect.

Enjoy! Continue reading

Merry Censorship!

When I heard that Eric Swalwell, Piss Ant Weasel Lying Congressman from the People’s Republic of California, was targeted for several years by a Cutie Commie Chinese spy named Christine Fang, AKA Fang Fang (that’s slang), who we must assume gave Swalwell a little poon tang by doing some bang bang….I just went, DANG, THE WHOLE SHEBANG!

Anyway, now that I have your attention…

In a nutshell, according to Axios…”Through campaign fundraising, extensive networking, personal charisma, and romantic or sexual relationships…Fang was able to gain proximity to political power.”

And Swalwell was one of Fang’s most significant targets in her quest to gather political intelligence and influence rising U.S. officials on China-related issues.

This Chinese spy-fest came crashing down in 2015 when alarmed federal investigators told Swalwell to cease and desist.  This also marked the first day of Swalwell’s next dry spell. Continue reading

Election History For Dummies

Groucho Marx was decades ahead of his time when he said…”Who are you going to believe, me or your own eyes?”

Sounds like a new Dem-O-Crap party bumper sticker.

Russian collusion?  Fake Impeachment?  The Biden Crime Family?  STOLEN ELECTIONS?  Yeah.


Screw you, political flat-earthers.  If lying was an Olympic event, you’d be Mark Effing Spitz.

Of course, Groucho also said, “Marriage is a wonderful institution, but who wants to live in an institution?”

Wise man, that Groucho.  And with my luck, the Mrs. will decide to start reading my blog THIS week.  I COULD be headed to the dog house.  Woof. Continue reading


OK, I promised myself I wouldn’t belabor the point or beat a dead horse regarding all this election fraud crap.

Of course, promises to myself are typically emptier that Nancy Pelosi’s cranial cavity.

Plus, in case you haven’t noticed…if one is looking for someone to belabor a point or beat a dead horse…well, I’m you’re guy.

Anyway, I’ve come across SO many interesting and compelling things that are virtually unexplainable BUT FOR the fraud…I just had to share.

So, without further ado…I welcome you to The Drunken Republican World of Statistics.

God help us all.

For the record, this information was obtained from multiple sources online.  But obviously not ANY mainstream, fake news book-burners, who are loathe to have ANYONE see ANY of this. Continue reading