The Bastards Won

Let’s call a spade a spade here, OK?

Trump lost this election the day he was inaugurated on Jan 20, 2017.

Because starting on THAT very day, the cabal consisting of the Democrat Party, Mainstream Media, Big Tech, Unelected Deep State Alphabet Soup Bureaucrats…FBI, CIA, DOJ…and whoever the f*ck else…conspired to, at best, impeach him…at worst, neuter his presidency…and without fail, prevent a second term.

Shit, the only reason Trump even won in 2016 was that these liars, cheats and thieves saw no compelling reason to open the corruption spigot because, well, there was zero expectation Trump could ACTUALLY win.

It would be like cheating on a test you studied two weeks for and knew the material like the back of your hand.  You just wouldn’t do it.  No reason.

So, I’m not going to go on and on ad nauseam and bore you writing about the hundreds of lawsuits filed by the Dem-O-Cheat Party all over the country, purposely and cavalierly loosening election security laws like Michael Moore loosens his ginormously lengthy belt after every visit to the Golden Corral feeding trough….

Or forcing massive, jacked-up, fraud-prone mail-in-voting under the overtly phony guise of COVID!!!…Because NOT doing so would amount to…let’s say it together…VOTER SUPPRESSION!!!

Or the hundreds of sworn affidavits…HUNDREDS…signed by your fellow Americans…UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY…describing endless eyewitness instances of voter fraud in multiple states, and in multiple forms…

Or the mountain of statistical analysis and evidence…including by MIT…demonstrating how the election results in multiple states were…without a doubt…manipulated vs. “naturally occurring”…

Or these fakakta Dominion voting machines…In Texas, Dominion Voting Systems was rejected three times by experts from the Texas Secretary of State and the Attorney General’s office.  Why?  They were deemed to be extremely vulnerable to fraud.

EXACT same ones, BTW, used by the likes of Venezuela and other Commie countries to fix elections.

The Media pukes and half the goddamn people in this country have elevated “looking the other way” to an art form.  Makes ME want to puke.

Ok, so I INTENDED not to bore you with ANY of that.  Oops.

All of this shit is so varied, complex, and in multiple states…it would literally take at least a year…AT LEAST…to adequately investigate.

Ah, so much fraud and corruption, so little time.

And lest anyone think, thanks to the media, this Dominion thing…or the security killing mass mail-in-voting…are some pie-in-the-sky, bullshit issues, ginned-up by a bunch of rednecks clad in MAGA hats who bow at the altar of The Church of Donald…

A shit ton of prominent Democrats have for years railed on the easy fraud potential of mass mail-in-voting.  Just a couple…

The conclusion of a 2005 bipartisan report of the Commission of Federal Election Reform, chaired by former President Jimmy Carter and Former Secretary of State James Baker III was…“Absentee ballots remain the largest source of potential voter fraud.”

Barry Hussein Obama…the community organizing Messiah himself…said of mail-in-voting in 2008…”They’re talking about people mailing in their ballots.  Do you trust the security, the honesty of such an election process?”

Good question Barry.  Apparently, most “other” developed nations on the friggin’ planet who have banned mail-in-voting agree…often after learning the hard way.

As for these Three-Card-Monte “voting machines”…

Dumb-O-Crat Senators Lizzy Warren, Amy Klobuchar, and Ron Wyden in 2019 issued a formal complaint to Dominion Voting Systems.

Didn’t know that, did ya?  Might want to re-evaluate your “news sources.”

Among other things, their letter warned about reports of machines “switching votes,” undisclosed vulnerabilities,” and “improbable” results that “threaten the integrity of our elections”

The letter continued…”These problems threaten the integrity of our elections and demonstrate the importance of election systems that are strong, durable, and not vulnerable to attack.”

Now, all these scumbags have a raging and convenient case of amnesia…fully enabled by the mainstream media censors and Silicon Valley book burners.

So all the Democrats, Lib Media, and any other liars…WHO KNOW ABSOLUTELY ZERO ABOUT WHAT FRAUD THERE WAS OR WASN’T…that screamed from Day 1 that this is all right-wing conspiracy theory and doesn’t exist…need to just STFU and stop lying.

I’ve been watching these SOB’s for a loooong time.  That’s their unmistakable “tell.”

Ya know, a “tell”…like when the dude sitting across the poker table from you scratches his ass every time he draws an inside straight.

Whenever these corrupt bastards endeavor to obfuscate the truth, they IMMEDIATELY scream WHERE’S YOUR EVIDENCE?!?!  FOX NEWS CONSPIRACY THEORY!!!  NOTHING TO SEE HERE!!!

Simply a mechanism to shut you down.

Exact same pattern of behavior when confronted with definitive evidence that Russian Collusion was a hoax, or with irrefutable proof that Biden and his family raked in millions for decades selling access and influence.

To name just two.

Same shit, different scandal.

How f*cking stupid are we?   How f*cking stupid are we?

He said twice for emphasis.

As I mentioned previously…and despite the best efforts of his legal team…Trump was toast from the get-go because he was never going to have the time to investigate and adequately quantify any of this corruption.

So, I’m in good company with almost 80% of Republicans…and according to a recent Rasmussen poll…stunningly ALMOST A THIRD OF DEMOCRATS…who think the election was stolen.

Because it was.  And anyone not in the midst of performing a head-first self-administered colonoscopy knows it.

And no amount of unhinged baseless denials, mocking, threats, name calling, media blackout, or Big Tech censorship is going to change that fact.

3 thoughts on “The Bastards Won

  1. Taco Pepper


    So the guy who has cheated on all 3 of his wives, thousands of business partners, his golf game, his taxes, his college entrance exams and anything else he possibly can is suddenly the beacon of Election Integrity?

    If this election was so easily stolen and manipulated, it clearly would have been done so by Donald J. Trump.

    You lost. Hard stop.


    1. The Drunken Republican Post author

      Just withhold judgement until you read this coming week’s blog. Until then, I’ll put you down as a “maybe” on the whole election fraud thing.

  2. Taco Pepper

    Was this week’s blog written by some over the hill mayor with hair dye streaming down his face at a landscaping company?


    DJT has been setting this phony fraud claim up for months seeing as the majority of people in the United States despise him. Meanwhile he goes on Feaux News and spills one blatant lie after another. Let me know if you want to come up for the inauguration….



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