Daily Archives: November 27, 2020

The Bastards Won

Let’s call a spade a spade here, OK?

Trump lost this election the day he was inaugurated on Jan 20, 2017.

Because starting on THAT very day, the cabal consisting of the Democrat Party, Mainstream Media, Big Tech, Unelected Deep State Alphabet Soup Bureaucrats…FBI, CIA, DOJ…and whoever the f*ck else…conspired to, at best, impeach him…at worst, neuter his presidency…and without fail, prevent a second term.

Shit, the only reason Trump even won in 2016 was that these liars, cheats and thieves saw no compelling reason to open the corruption spigot because, well, there was zero expectation Trump could ACTUALLY win.

It would be like cheating on a test you studied two weeks for and knew the material like the back of your hand.  You just wouldn’t do it.  No reason.

So, I’m not going to go on and on ad nauseam and bore you writing about the hundreds of lawsuits filed by the Dem-O-Cheat Party all over the country, purposely and cavalierly loosening election security laws like Michael Moore loosens his ginormously lengthy belt after every visit to the Golden Corral feeding trough…. Continue reading