The Devil Went Down To Georgia

Ok, Georgia, you’re up.  Time to do your best Batman imitation and save Gotham City.

Scratch that…EVERY city.


Let’s assume for shits and grins…and for the purpose of the forthcoming brilliant political analysis (stop laughing)…Grandpa Biden actually takes up residence in the White House Basement Bunker.

As you surely know by now, control of the Senate resides in the great state of Georgia in the form of two runoff races on Jan 5th, driven by their nutty law where basically everyone except a presidential candidate needs to garner at least 50% of the vote to avoid a runoff of the top two.

Really dumb law, but as the very wise Cosmo Kramer said…”A rule is a rule.  And let’s face it.  Without rules…there’s chaos.”

OK, fine.  NEVER argue with Kramer.  Good rule of thumb.

So…The GOP currently holds a 50 to 48 seat majority in the Senate, with these two Georgia races outstanding.

“Conventional wisdom” says the Republicans will win at least one of these seats and retain control of the Senate…Leftist cheating notwithstanding.

Shit, Republican incumbent David Perdue ALREADY won his Georgia Senate race by a couple points, but only got 49.7% of the vote.

Three lousy tenths?  Really?  Jesus Georgia, WTF??

As Maxwell Smart, Agent 86 used to say…”Missed it by THAT much.”

Anyway…with the House still in Dem hands…albeit with a much smaller majority than before…and the White House too…keeping Mitch McConnell as Senate majority leader is all that stands in the way of these crazy effing Libs treating our Constitution like the old newspaper you used to house train your new hypothetical Pit Bill puppy, Spike.

And like poor Spike, this would effectively neuter Biden…politically speaking, that is.

So…the Dumbocrats, pollsters, media…ALL promised a BIG RAGING BLUE WAVE.


The only raging “wave” those losers experienced was a yellow one, and it was in their pants.

As such, Depends are now on back order.  Oh, great….said every leg-wetting Lefty.  THANKS FOR NUTHIN’!!

But I digress.

Here’s a little factoid for ya…this election…despite Biden apparently getting his wrinkly senile keister fraudulently dragged across the finish line by the Butt-Smooching Media and Big Tech Censors…was an abject failure for the Democrats.

The GOP was defending 23 seats in the Senate to just 12 for the Democrats.  That’s what they call a “bad map” for you political novices.

And there were about 7 races that looked totally get-able for the Dems.  They won just two, but the GOP flipped an Alabama seat, netting them a whopping +1.

The House was similarly disastrous.

The expectation was that the Dems would expand their House majority by 10 to 15 seats.


The Good Guys will likely just need to pick up another 10 seats or so to take back the House in the 2022 midterms, when the historical average is a 25 to 30 seat gain for the party out of power.

This should be as easy as Mike Tyson taking down an angry pre-pubescent Girl Scout.

AND…the GOP gained at least three critical state legislatures to boot!  Another unexpected knee to the naughty bits for the Dems.

All of this goodness did nothing but pour an ocean of gasoline on the already exploding Civil War in the Dem-O-Jerk party.

The Moderates are blaming the Socialists, the Socialists are screaming at the Moderates.

These hysterical nitwits make the Hatfields and McCoys look like soul mates.

No more Kumbaya lipstick on this pig, NOSIREEBOB!  It’s all out war.  Well, OK…for these Wussie Libs?  Maybe a really pissy pillow-fight.

The first shot across the bow was during a House Democrat post-election conference call, when Virginia Rep. Abigail Spanberger…quite the feisty broad…yelled, “We lost races we shouldn’t have lost…defund the police almost cost me my race…don’t say Socialism ever again.  We need to get back to basics!”

Spanberger also warned that if Democrats kept up this Far Left Lunacy…”We will get f*cking torn apart” in 2022.

Quite the potty mouth.  My kind of chick.

These election results were a complete and unequivocal repudiation of ALL of this nauseating Far Left Bullshit.  

This is STILL a Center-Right country.  Yeah, still.  Period.  Full stop.  End of story.

Oh, before I forget…A quick little shout-out to Cryin’ Chuckie Schumer, who inexplicably stood in the streets of NYC after the Joe Biden Media Brown-Nosers WAY prematurely called the race for Sleepy Joe, and wailed…”NOW WE TAKE GEORGIA, THEN WE CHANGE AMERICA!”

Two things Chuckie…First, we ain’t changing shit.  Second, thanks for giving us a campaign ad that we can run in The Peach State on a 24/7 loop.  Appreciate that.

What a Schmuck.

Don’t let us down Georgia.  The survival of the Republic…and the Constitution…depend on it.

No pressure.

3 thoughts on “The Devil Went Down To Georgia

  1. Tom B

    The future of the Republican Party is bright, but only if you can let go of the false narratives and move forward. We have lots of potential leadership in the GOP and it will rise to the top in the next 2 years, but only if you can let go of the false narratives and move forward. In 2022, the GOP will reclaim the House and strengthen the Senate, but only if you can let go of the false narratives and move forward. In 2024, the GOP will again win the Presidency, but only if you can let go of the false narratives and move forward.

    The future is always best when you learn from the past and move forward. Holding on and looking backwards is a loser’s game. On January 21st, I look forward to the future.

    1. llroot53

      You keep writing “let go of the false narratives and move forward” – but you never explain WHAT you believe the false narratives are. Please, do tell?


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