Daily Archives: November 12, 2020

Cheaty Cheaty Bang Bang

Ya know, I kind of planned to get into some of the nitty-gritty of the plethora of election fraud, and “irregularities” so egregious, they would render an ExLax factory powerless…all carried out by the historically corrupt political machines in lefty cesspools like Philadelphia.

City of Brotherly Love, my ass.

Thought it might be more useful, though, to take a more holistic approach than go down that gory detail rabbit hole.

In my best Dick Nixon voice…LET ME BE PERFECTLY CLEAR…

The Trump campaign not only has an absolute constitutional right to contest this election given the clear indication of a shenanigan tsunami…but an unequivocal duty and obligation to pursue all available avenues on behalf of his 72 million voters…THE MOST EVER FOR ANY REPUBLICAN.

Al Gore contested the 2000 election vs. Bush 43, and that took 37 friggin’ days to fully litigate.  And only ceased when the Supreme Court cried…ENOUGH!!

Funny, but I don’t recall the Lefty Media or any Democrat screaming bloody murder about it.  On the contrary…they cheered it.

So those Leftist wussies need to just go play with the stress-reducing toys strewn across their safespace floor and STFU. Continue reading