President Sleepy? BARF!

Remember when you were in school, and you had some essay question on a test where you drew a COMPLETE blank?  Just sat and stared at that blank page like a mental patient for what seemed like an eternity.

This is the flashback I’m having right now.  Just don’t know where to start.

My first thought is that in 2020…the most effed-up year ever…why WOULDN’T there be election chaos?  Just like we can count on my beloved NY Jets being winless this year…so too can we count on that.

First, allow me to dispense of a pet peeve of mine…

Once again…and with total predictability…the pollsters shit the bed.  Like bad.

Every time I hear the words “Real Clear Politics Average,” I laugh uncontrollably.  This whole theory of “averaging” polls giving you a better answer is delusional.

If I have ten piles of shit of different sizes, and I come up with an average weight of each pile, I’m still left with ten piles of shit.

If nothing else, the pollsters are consistent.  They consistently suck.

Just a few choice examples…

A WaPost/ABC News poll a few days before the election had Biden over Trump in Wisconsin by 17 points.  No, really.  Wisconsin.  A battleground state that was always gonna be close, where Biden currently leads by LESS than 1%.

Final RCP average for Ohio had Trump +1…basically a toss-up.  Trump won by 8.  EIGHT!  The same margin as 2016.

My personal favorite?  Republican Senator Susan Collins from Maine.  Every single poll from day 1 had her losing generally by 6 to 12 points or so.  Not one poll ever…EVER…had her leading.  NOT ONE.


Let’s be clear…This is not cherry-picking.  I could write a book proving that.  And it’s often done purposely as a suppression tactic.  You don’t just consistently over-poll Dems and under-poll Republicans BY F*CKING ACCIDENT.  Sorry.

It’s worth noting there are a few decent pollsters out there.  One such pollster that actually sports a pretty stellar track record is Robert Cahaly of Trafalgar.  He’s laughably trashed and dismissed by these mainstream polling liars.

Apparently, years ago, when the cool kids that now work at these crap polling groups were drunk and steaming up car windows at Prom, Cahaly was home studying polling theory.

And it shows.

Anyway, please keep in mind my comments are “as of this writing.”  I mean, things ARE more fluid than a parade of leg-wetting Libtards.

So here we sit.  It’s raining lawsuits, all kinds of voter fraud allegations flying around…particularly in Philadelphia.

A real brouhaha.

As you surely know, Trump needs to run the table on four states to win…PA, GA, NC, NV.  And Arizona…although ridiculously called very early for Biden by Fox and AP…is still in play.

And in most cases, the outstanding votes seem to be in pretty deep blue areas.  Much as it pains me, I think Trump is toast.

And I really don’t think the Trump campaign can realistically unring the bell of the electoral effects of the fraud and last minute rule changes executed to screw him like a cheap street corner hooker.

Still…for you Dumb and Dumber aficionados…I’m telling you there’s a chance.

So…allegations of voter fraud are coming out of the woodwork like college kids on nickel beer night.

Honest people know this crap has been going on in these long time Democrat run cities for decades. Like Philadelphia.  Like Detroit.  Like Milwaukee.

Ever notice how Dumbocrats ALWAYS, 100% of the time, vehemently oppose ANY prudent, common sense measure that would enhance election integrity?

Typically by wailing VOTER SUPRESSION!  Such obvious and epic bullshit.  And meant to shut people up…like cries of RACISM!

At the eleventh hour, Nevada decided to send out universal ballots, not require signature verification or proper postmarks, and…worst of all…allow ballot harvesting, a practice so egregious, it should be banned and illegal in every state.

Similarly, Pennsylvania attempted to cook the books on this election by recently, and unconstitutionally, “overriding” their own valid law enacted by the Legislature requiring ALL ballots be received by 8pm on Election Day.

The PA Supreme Court did that unilaterally, allowing ballots to be received three days AFTER the election.

This kind of crap opens the door to massive fraud.  Like an opioid addict accident locked in a CVS overnight.  Like…you don’t KNOW what’s gonna happen?

The Trump campaign brought this PA ruling to the Supreme Court before the election.  They declined to rule on it…but kept the case as “pending”…basically inviting further challenges on a Court NOW sporting Amy Coney Barrett.

I think you can count on that.

Want more?

GOP election observers have been routinely and unlawfully denied access…windows covered to block views, and on and on.

WHAT IN SAM HELL ARE THEY HIDING??  That was a rhetorical question, BTW.

I’m no conspiracy theorist…but I have eyes and ears.

And a nose.  And ALL of this stinks like a fish rotting on Miami Beach.

I’ll close with a quote by the aforementioned whiz bang Trafalgar pollster Robert Cahaly.  Remember, this dude is one of the best pollsters out there, knows his shit, and clearly has a reputation to uphold.

Here’s what HE confidently said a few days before the election…

Trump has to win Pennsylvania “by four or five to overtake the voter fraud that will happen there.  It’s very systematic in Pennsylvania.”

Speaks for itself.

More detail on the fraud orgy next week.  STAY TUNED!

3 thoughts on “President Sleepy? BARF!

  1. Tom

    The American Voters got it Right by dividing the government. The Markets are already voting to demonstrate the wisdom of this outcome.

  2. Tom

    Trump Lost, regardless of why or how. I believe he lost legitimately. Even if he got robbed, he still lost because he did not “Outwit, Outplay & Outlast” his opponent and his opponent was the worst candidate in my life time. Trump lost to the worst and it’s 100% his fault.


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