Daily Archives: November 6, 2020

President Sleepy? BARF!

Remember when you were in school, and you had some essay question on a test where you drew a COMPLETE blank?  Just sat and stared at that blank page like a mental patient for what seemed like an eternity.

This is the flashback I’m having right now.  Just don’t know where to start.

My first thought is that in 2020…the most effed-up year ever…why WOULDN’T there be election chaos?  Just like we can count on my beloved NY Jets being winless this year…so too can we count on that.

First, allow me to dispense of a pet peeve of mine…

Once again…and with total predictability…the pollsters shit the bed.  Like bad.

Every time I hear the words “Real Clear Politics Average,” I laugh uncontrollably.  This whole theory of “averaging” polls giving you a better answer is delusional.

If I have ten piles of shit of different sizes, and I come up with an average weight of each pile, I’m still left with ten piles of shit.

If nothing else, the pollsters are consistent.  They consistently suck. Continue reading