Daily Archives: October 29, 2020

Why Trump Wins – Part 3

Many things in life seem to come in three’s, don’t they?

Well…the final installment of the highly acclaimed “Why Trump Wins” trilogy is definitely no exception.

Look…Biden and his AOC loving Commie Crackpots have a conga line of crap policies and baggage longer than Michael Moore’s unfurled belt that could make Sleepy Joe go night night for good…

Jacking up economy crushing taxes and regulations…The court packing BS he won’t answer…decades of proven corruption by the Biden Crime Family selling influence and selling out the country…repeated promises to destroy fracking and the fossil fuel industry, and by extension, THE EFFING ECONOMY AND ENERGY INDEPENDENCE…

Protecting Antifa Anarchists and BLM Marxists by ignoring burning and looted cities…revert back to every failed foreign policy position championed for decades by the DC establishment swamp…spend trillions on some version of The Loony Tunes Green New Deal…and every fact pattern indicating there would be AT LEAST a million COVID deaths under the stewardship of Jerk-Off Joe (see H1N1)…

I could go on and on ad nauseam like the Rain Man reciting baseball statistics. Continue reading