Why Trump Wins – Part 2

Buckle up for Part 2 of the 37-Part “Why Trump Wins” series.

Nah…just kidding.  Only 3 parts.  But it COULD be 37 parts.  And then some.

Anyway…Biden’s entire campaign pitch is the following…

  • Trump personally killed over 200,000 people by bungling the Coronavirus response.
  • Trump makes Hitler look like Mother Teresa, he eats babies, and kills puppies.  Or is it kills babies and eats puppies??  I can never keep that straight.

Anyway, the latter is what it is.  I learned decades ago never to argue with crazy F’ers, and that practice serves me well to this day.

But the former, while certainly supported by wacky, leg-wetting, left wing media narrative, isn’t supported in the slightest by ANY coherent fact pattern.

Facts are to Libs as kryptonite is to Superman.  Never forget that.

Let’s dispel some myths, shall we?

Slam dunk argument number one…

We’ve heard it a million times, but Trump’s travel shutdown from China at the END OF FRIGGIN’ JANUARY saved countless lives AND bought everyone time to react to the China virus.

Everyone’s beloved Dr. Fauci said this move saved thousands of lives.  We didn’t need him to tell us that…but OK.

AND HE WAS AGAINST THE BAN WHEN TRUMP DID IT!  Stunning.  He’s been wrong more than right.  Deal with it.  Some “expert,” huh?

And all the A-Holes on the Left and in the media that have been breathlessly blathering about how TRUMP ACTED WAY TOO SLOWLY! ever since…crushed him for the China ban.  And themselves almost universally poo-poo’d the whole thing until EARLY MARCH, for shit’s sake.

And mountains of video evidence to prove it.

Biden called the China travel ban “xenophobic, hysterical, and fearmongering.”  One must assume Biden would have allowed China travel for MUCH longer…or forever…if running the show.

Ergo, one must further assume that tens…probably hundreds…of thousands more would have died had Creepy Joe been the Top Dog.

Then, Trump shut down travel from highly infected Europe on March 12th.  Again, Biden and The Left trashed THAT decision, calling it “counterproductive,” among other things.

Old wrinkly bastard never learns.

Again…One must further assume Biden…by his own words…would not have taken THIS timely action, thereby cost thousands MORE lives

Yet the Left and Media cranks continually, 24/7, lay EVERY GODDAMN DEATH at President Trump’s feet?  Really?  Ridiculous on its face, and not supported by a single fact.

Slam dunk argument number two…

Remember those death estimates early on?

Like 1.5 to 2.2 million deaths if you kind of did nothing?  And 100,000 to 220,000 deaths if you employed aggressive mitigation measures?  Generally made sense, directionally speaking.

We’re at the upper end of that lower range, but the implication is clear.

If Biden was running the show, hard to argue we wouldn’t be in that million-plus death range…AT LEAST.

The facts point to Trump SAVING hundreds of thousands of lives…not CAUSING a couple hundred thousand deaths.  

Look…Sane Americans understand China is to be blamed for every death.  Period.  And the Left and Media literally refusing to even acknowledge that fact is as disgusting as it is breathtaking.

For if they did, their whole pathetic campaign implodes.

And I have to say….I hear all this whining about Trump’s rhetoric.  WAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!  Cry me an effing river, wussies.  What ELSE is new.  To modify an old saying…action talks, rhetoric walks.

Besides…Doesn’t change a single solitary fact.

Slam dunk argument number three…

A quick stroll down memory lane.

Remember the Swine Flu?  H1N1?  That was Barry & Biden’s Baby.  And 60 million people got it.


So you’ll LOVE this…

Ever heard of Ron Klain?  He was Biden’s chief of staff, and made the following statement regarding H1N1 in 2019…

We did every possible thing wrong.  Sixty million people got H1N1 in that period of time, and it is purely a fortuity that this isn’t one of the great mass casualty events in American history.  It had nothing to do with us doing anything right.  It just had to do with luck.”

About 13,000 people died.

According to Kim Strassel of the Wall Street Journal…”A virus with the spread of H1N1 and fatality rate of Covid-19 could produce a death toll approaching two million.”


FACT:  Obama/Biden did virtually nothing on H1N1.  According to that same WSJ article, the Obama Administration promised 100 million doses of vaccine, but delivered just 11 million.

No shutdowns.  No masks.  No social distancing.  No nothing.  60 million cases.

So NOW we’re to believe Biden would have done a better job than Trump?

Only effing morons smoking from the Liberal Utopian crack pipe believe that.  

Don’t be that person.

And I haven’t even talked about the lightning fast development of the Coronavirus Task Force, unprecedented partnering with the private sector to crank out thousands of ventilators, zillions of pieces of PPE, massive testing…and absolutely eviscerating government red tape in developing approved therapeutics and activating Operation Warp Speed to obtain a vaccine in months instead of years.

It’s not in the DNA of Big Government Libs to gravitate toward things like “partnering with the private sector” or “eviscerating government red tape.”

And this is precisely why they failed in an epic way with H1N1, and simply by the Grace of God “only” 13,000 died…NOT TWO FRIGGIN’ MILLION!!!

Quick reality check…thanks to China, the whole world was drinking from a fire hose on this thing.  Hiding it from the world, and at the same time, sweeping up much of the world’s supply of PPE and ventilators.  

OF COURSE things weren’t done perfectly and mistakes were made.  Duh.  Nobody is arguing otherwise.

And someday they”ll have something like the 9-11 Commission that will examine the whole thing…ya know…the proverbial LESSONS LEARNED!

But this bullshit narrative about Trump bungling the response isn’t borne out by a single fact…and the laughable notion that Biden would have done better?  My God, history…and his own words now…prove what complete and utter bullshit that is.

And honest people damn well know it.

2 thoughts on “Why Trump Wins – Part 2

  1. Tom

    I don’t know who would have handled the Coronavirus better. However, I do believe it could have been handled a lot better than it was with some simple actions that the President ignored.
    Overall, Biden is a terrible choice – probably one of the worst Democratic candidates ever. I don’t agree with most of his policies, but I appreciate his integrity. Too many people are fatigued by Trump’s argumentative and divisive style. Therefore, I believe Trump loses (Biden doesn’t win). Trump loses because he narrowed his base and there are enough Moderates that will vote against Trump. Trump created this problem for himself and he will suffer the consequences.

    The best candidate is Libertarian: Jo Jorgensen. Check her out.


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