Why Trump Wins – Part 1

Wait for it…wait for it…

Ah, there it is…

That wonderful splattering sound was Biden FINALLY and UNEQUIVOCALLY taking a header off of that political tightrope he’s been tenuously balanced on for months…and I’ve been bloviating about ad nauseam.

Yeah, that was Biden…NOT the Coyote…disappearing in a cloud of dust.  Meep!  Meep!

Play with fire, you’re gonna get burned.  Jesus, I sound like my mother.


The idea of “court packing” just sent Joe and Kamala packing.

President Trump tried to wrap court packing around Biden’s pencil neck in their debate…but a bald tire gets more traction than ANYTHING out of that melee.

Enter Mike “If You’re Not My Wife, I Won’t Have Lunch With You” Pence, who for the first time, clearly and coherently posed that unfiltered question in the VP debate to that smug, condescending, embarrassingly phony, president wannabe and Queen of dumb bitchy faces, Kamala Harris.

Lib moderator Susan Page of USA Today CERTAINLY wasn’t going to.

Harris crashed and burned in such epic fashion, it made the Hindenburg look like a mere fender bender.  She spewed some evasive and incoherent shit about Abe Lincoln, which turned out to be historically inaccurate anyway.

So, bad enough Pence had to do the boot-licking media’s job for them…it then took a local Las Vegas reporter to grab the baton a few days later and ask Creepy Court Packing Joe the following…

Well, sir, don’t the voters deserve to know?”

Wow, Biden Campaign….THAT one slipped by the goalie.  Oopsie!

Slow Joe then gums the following through his freakishly white dentures, “No they don’t…I’m not gonna play his game…it’s not constitutional what they’re doing.”



A couple days earlier, Basement Boy blathers…”You’ll know my opinion on court packing when the election is over…the moment I answer, the headline in every one of your papers will be about that.”

Translation?  “FU.  I’ll answer when I’m good and goddamn ready.”  

Then he accuses the REPUBLICANS of court packing???  BY FILLING AN OPEN SEAT ON THE COURT!?   WHAT!?!?

At this point, Crazy Uncle Joe has fully entered the orbit of Planet Gibberish.

OK…so this is completely outrageous and wholly disqualifying.  Full stop.

Like…Game over.  Stick a fork in him. Or in sports vernacular…GAME, SET, MATCH!  CHECKMATE!

OK, chess isn’t a sport.

Even the fawning, ass-kissing Lib media is grumbling about this.  ABC’s Jonathan Karl tweeted, “This doesn’t make any sense.

The Washington Post’s Glenn Kessler tweeted, “Can he really hold to this same answer for 26 days?”

Axios’s Jonathan Swan said, “Not sure I’ve ever seen a politician explicitly say I’m not telling you what I think about an important issue until after you vote for me.”

And Tom Bevan, top dog at Real Clear Politics, lamented, “I have never seen a presidential candidate go with the “if I answer your question it will make news” excuse.  It’s truly insulting, and the media is letting him get away with it.”

And THAT’S just the sampler platter.

Imagine, if you will, a presidential candidate of ANY political stripe refusing to answer a question about…oh, I don’t know…whether they would raise taxes.

Americans would scream bloody murder.  And rightly so.

And as important as it is, tax policy ranks a mile lower on the Consequentiality Scale than packing the Supreme Court, which would fundamentally change our country in profound ways and defecate on the Constitution by destroying the separation of powers, and transforming the Supreme Court into some sort of pseudo-legislative body.


Note to Dems:  In a center-right country, Americans will not elect a presidential candidate that would even consider court-packing…and refusing to answer the question is not only disgustingly insulting, but more tone deaf than I was strolling out of that AC/DC concert in 1982.

If all of this doesn’t convince you Biden is a pathetic vessel and tool of the Far Left, and Bernie Sanders and AOC run that stupid party…there’s NO hope for you.

And the coup de grace…Ruth Bader Ginsburg herself, a woman worshipped, idolized and lionized by the Left, said JUST LAST YEAR regarding court packing…”If anything would make the court look partisan, it would be that…Nine seems to be a good number.  It’s been like that for a long time…it was a bad idea when President Franklin Roosevelt tried to pack the court.”

I guess “worship” is a fleeting thing if it conflicts with one’s ideological proclivities.  What hypocritical turds.

I repeat…Biden just lost the election with this BS.  Period.

But alas, there is a long, long list of OTHER reasons and realities that doom Biden and his cackling hyena of a running mate, Comma-La.

A list that piles higher than Michael Moore’s Krispy Kreme receipts.

As such, this is just Part 1 of a three part series…”Why Trump Wins.”

C’mon, face it…when you think “winning,” you think “Trump,” right?

OK, OK…AND Charlie Sheen.

2 thoughts on “Why Trump Wins – Part 1

  1. Tom

    You could be on to something. Biden was a terrible choice before his no-answer on Court-packing, and this made him even worse. I don’t support Bidden, but it is still within the realm of possibility that Trump loses to Biden. That’s because Trump squandered his policy advantage with ridiculous tweets and divisive nature. Oh what could have been.

    I don’t think the world will end regardless of the outcome. We shall overcome and I hope that a real leader rises to the circumstances – next time. VOTE your conscience and accept the results.

  2. Robert Lieberman

    While I agree that Biden should have answered the question, let’s not lose sight of this: Trump has refused to answer whether he would commit to ensuring there is a peaceful transfer of power after the election if he should lose!


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