Monthly Archives: October 2020

Why Trump Wins – Part 3

Many things in life seem to come in three’s, don’t they?

Well…the final installment of the highly acclaimed “Why Trump Wins” trilogy is definitely no exception.

Look…Biden and his AOC loving Commie Crackpots have a conga line of crap policies and baggage longer than Michael Moore’s unfurled belt that could make Sleepy Joe go night night for good…

Jacking up economy crushing taxes and regulations…The court packing BS he won’t answer…decades of proven corruption by the Biden Crime Family selling influence and selling out the country…repeated promises to destroy fracking and the fossil fuel industry, and by extension, THE EFFING ECONOMY AND ENERGY INDEPENDENCE…

Protecting Antifa Anarchists and BLM Marxists by ignoring burning and looted cities…revert back to every failed foreign policy position championed for decades by the DC establishment swamp…spend trillions on some version of The Loony Tunes Green New Deal…and every fact pattern indicating there would be AT LEAST a million COVID deaths under the stewardship of Jerk-Off Joe (see H1N1)…

I could go on and on ad nauseam like the Rain Man reciting baseball statistics. Continue reading

Why Trump Wins – Part 2

Buckle up for Part 2 of the 37-Part “Why Trump Wins” series.

Nah…just kidding.  Only 3 parts.  But it COULD be 37 parts.  And then some.

Anyway…Biden’s entire campaign pitch is the following…

  • Trump personally killed over 200,000 people by bungling the Coronavirus response.
  • Trump makes Hitler look like Mother Teresa, he eats babies, and kills puppies.  Or is it kills babies and eats puppies??  I can never keep that straight.

Anyway, the latter is what it is.  I learned decades ago never to argue with crazy F’ers, and that practice serves me well to this day.

But the former, while certainly supported by wacky, leg-wetting, left wing media narrative, isn’t supported in the slightest by ANY coherent fact pattern.

Facts are to Libs as kryptonite is to Superman.  Never forget that. Continue reading

Why Trump Wins – Part 1

Wait for it…wait for it…

Ah, there it is…

That wonderful splattering sound was Biden FINALLY and UNEQUIVOCALLY taking a header off of that political tightrope he’s been tenuously balanced on for months…and I’ve been bloviating about ad nauseam.

Yeah, that was Biden…NOT the Coyote…disappearing in a cloud of dust.  Meep!  Meep!

Play with fire, you’re gonna get burned.  Jesus, I sound like my mother.


The idea of “court packing” just sent Joe and Kamala packing.

President Trump tried to wrap court packing around Biden’s pencil neck in their debate…but a bald tire gets more traction than ANYTHING out of that melee.

Enter Mike “If You’re Not My Wife, I Won’t Have Lunch With You” Pence, who for the first time, clearly and coherently posed that unfiltered question in the VP debate to that smug, condescending, embarrassingly phony, president wannabe and Queen of dumb bitchy faces, Kamala Harris.

Lib moderator Susan Page of USA Today CERTAINLY wasn’t going to. Continue reading

Bad Karma

I know, I know…I disappeared for a while.  I was at an undisclosed location with Dick Cheney and Elvis.

Man, those guys can party.

Not really.

What’s that?  You didn’t even notice my very conspicuous absence?  Shocker.

Anyway, my better-half and I decided to hit the open road for about 10 days in a rented Jaguar SUV…and a sweet ride it was.  Jet black.  Total bad ass.

Black Jags Matter.

Or as I named her…The White Privilegemobile.

Anyway…Lots of hiking and breweries.  OK, more breweries than hiking.  Either way, who has time to write?

Lots to catch up on. Continue reading