
Trump never ceases to amaze, does he?

In the face of massive, unrelenting, and often scandalous resistance…that commenced the very damn minute he and his gorgeous specimen of a wife, Melania, glided down that shiny Trump Tower escalator in 2015 to announce his candidacy…he continues to rack up momentous accomplishments, like Tom Brady racks up Super Bowl wins.

Well, probably not this year.  Sorry Tampa.

We ALL know the long list of wins…yes, ALL OF US…even those Trump-Hating Socialist Schmucks who refuse to admit and/or report it

One thing we can all agree…Trump’s not a guy that rests on his laurels.

So this week…when we witnessed a monumentally historic normalization of relations between Israel and two Middle East nations…United Arab Emirates and Bahrain…were any of us surprised?

It’s been 26 years since anything like this happened, when Jordan normalized relations with Israel in 1994.  Before that?  Egypt in 1978.  That’s it.

Until now.

And several other nations in the region lining up to smoke’em the peace pipe.

Pretty sure that was cultural appropriation.  Oopsie!

I mean, racing down the highway to Middle East peace?  Really?

That’s our Donald.  A man that’s never satisfied…an attribute that can clearly be a blessing OR a curse, depending on the context.  I mean, he IS on his third marriage.

Jesus, what’s next societal scourge to get knocked off his list?   Cancer?  Race relations?


And did you even KNOW that on September 4th, Serbia and Kosovo…always at each other’s throats…were at the White House for a signing ceremony to ink their recently agreed to normalized economic relations…another historic deal brokered by our Peacemaker-In-Chief?

Eh, probably not.  There’s been scant reporting on ANY of this by the Fake News subversives.  And if there is, it’s just to crap on it with negative spin.

Brain-Dead Pelosi calls ALL of it a “distraction.”  I ask you…is there a bigger moronic dumbass broad on the planet than Nancy Pelosi?

Yes.  That WAS a rhetorical question.

It appears that peace…NOT June…is bustin’ out all over. THANKS DONALD!  YOU GO, BOY!!

To be fair, I’m sure the Democrats were doing something equally historic…like re-naming some rest stop on the Jersey Turnpike reeking of urine and half-eaten vending machine bean burritos smeared on the gunk-ridden floor.

Anyway…ALL of this makes Biden and the wacko Democrats look REALLY, REALLY small, insignificant, and petty.  And makes people realize that Biden and Barry were wholly incapable of ANYTHING close to these peace deals.

In fact, their failed dumbass approach…along with their partner in crime, that Herman Munster-looking pompous jackass John Kerry…was the complete antithesis of Trump’s winning approach.

Obama and his moronic minions cozied up to Iran…the largest state sponsor of terror…giving them $150 billion, plus $1.8 billion IN EFFING CASH…for basically nothing…in that horrid Iran Deal that Trump mercifully extracted us from.

Kerry even admitted much of that money would ultimately find its way into the hands of terrorists.  Wow.

Not much reporting or outrage about that abomination a few years ago…yet people today crap their skivvies over f*cking tweets.   My God.

Further, Obama was hostile as hell to Israel from Day 1, and consistently sided with the murderous Palestinians, who relied on the Hamas and Hezbollah terrorist scumbags to do their dirty work.

Conversely, Trump employed a strategy completely different from the decades-long failed approach of the DC Establishment, that is, convincing all these Arab states that peace-loving Israel isn’t their enemy, and ALL would benefit from economic development and cooperation…resulting in everyone’s standard of living rising exponentially.

And most importantly…end the stupid, senseless violence once and for all.

Trump is isolating Iran, not appeasing them…like the O’Biden Admin did.

So, from ALL this hard work and deal-making…TRUMP GETS TWO NOMINATIONS FOR THE NOBEL PEACE PRIZE!!!

Now, if THAT ain’t a swift kick in the gonads for these Leftist Trump-Hating Goons, I don’t know what is.

The mere thought of Trump taking home a Nobel Peace Prize has these Socialist nitwits reaching for the closest sharp instrument.

If you recall, they handed Obama one of these Nobels a few months after he took office in 2009 for doing absolutely nothing.  Literally.  Nothing.

Obama himself was embarrassed by this…and rightly so.

Trump winning THE NOBEL PEACE PRIZE is the proverbial slam-dunk, no-brainer.  Or it SHOULD be.

But the Far Left Globalist Wussies in Stockholm and Oslo that make these decisions will NEVER give it to Trump.  EVER.  They hate him.  And everyone that supports him.

Eh..after handing Obama the prize like a participation trophy your 5-year-old gets for playing soccer at the Y, and destroying it’s credibility forever…who gives a shit anyway.

2 thoughts on “Peacemaker-In-Chief

  1. Tom

    These steps towards peace in the Middle East are one of Trump’s best accomplishments and the world is a better place. It also reinforces why I’m so disappointed in Trump. He had so much potential and he squandered most of it because of his personality disorders. He created a Rage in the US that harms us all.

    If Bidden gets elected, it’s all Trump’s fault. Not because Trump didn’t accomplish anything, but because his personality disorders interfered with his ability to win over the American public.

    We deserve better. It’s not that hard.

    1. The Drunken Republican Post author

      That’s like saying you don’t want Tom Brady to be your QB (let’s say in his prime), because you don’t like his haircut.

      Like…who cares?

      Trump was a known entity. He is who he is. And he’s given us more peace and prosperity than I’ve ever seen. At least before China effed us. And all in the face of unprecedented resistance…making the accomplishments all the more amazing.

      Focusing on his sometimes flamboyant behavior instead of his historic accomplishments and problem solving, I find quite petty and superficial.

      I’ll take Trump all day long over the typical do-nothing swamp creature that delivers nothing but meaningless platitudes read off of teleprompters.

      And I say this with all due respect.


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