Questionable Questions

So…I suppose at this point one might say that my “trademark” of sorts has become poking a little harmless fun at Wacko Lib Michael Moore and his…um…apparent struggles with things like Body Mass Index and shoe-horning himself into miniscule airplane seats.

As one who leads a very healthy lifestyle, I fear a “slight” uptick in my alcohol consumption during the Wuhan virus confinement has resulted in a few extra pounds…and feeling a bit hypocritical as a result.

Her: “Honey, HOW MANY beers have you had today?”

Me: “Just two sweetie pie…the first and the last.” 

So this week, I will dispense with my usual good-natured mocking of Moore’s nauseating rotundness to discuss some very honest and perceptive comments he actually made last week about the upcoming election.

First, a quick memory jogger…Michael Moore quite accurately predicted a Trump victory in 2016…as early as May.  One of the very…VERY…few to do so.

Moore, a Michigander who seemingly prides himself on having his finger on the pulse of the blue collar “Rust Belt,” is raising the red (Communist?) flag…JUST as he did in 2016.

In a desperate message to his fellow Lefty Psycho Leg-Wetters, Moore implored…”I’m warning you almost 10 weeks in advance.  The enthusiasm level for the 60 million in Trump’s base is OFF THE CHARTS!  For Joe, not so much.”

Not so much?  How about not at all.

Moore sees the freight train coming…again.  Trust do the rest of them.

Questionable Questions

I’ve considered myself a student of politics of sorts for the past couple decades or so.  And I can tell you…unequivocally…that I have NEVER seen ANYTHING like the press conference Hiden Joe Biden held last week.

So Biden is purportedly going to give a short speech on the economy, but spent most of it excoriating Trump on yet another fake hoax, where an unnamed source accused Trump of saying some horrible things about fallen WWI soldiers.

This supposedly happened in 2018, but rolled-out just now…less than two months before the election.

Yeah.  Right.

And you can bet your sweet ass that these Leftist miscreants have a Conga Line of hoaxes tee’d up between now and November 3rd.

The story, of course, was complete bullshit, published by a massive anti-Trump rag, The Atlantic, and subsequently proven as such by at least fifteen Administration officials.

Ones that were…ya know…”in the room.”  As opposed to some anonymous Never Trumper wackadoodle.

But none of that’s even the point.  Just setting the stage, if you will.

After Biden labored through yet another 20 minute date with his teleprompter, and was summarily praised by the media for doing it, like a baby eating ALL of his strained apricots…GOOD BOY!…he very clumsily pivoted to taking what were clearly scripted questions from a myriad of obvious media “plants,” who looked more like extras in a bad zombie flick instead of actual “reporters.”

OK…not “questions,” per se.  Just different tee’d up variations of “So Joe…you’ve indicated how horrible of a human being Trump is…but we KNOW he’s even worse than you state.  Would you like another bite at that apple?”

Well, THAT, or just some other nonsensical flaccid softball.

A quick sampling…

  • What does The Atlantic article tell you about Trump’s soul and the life he leads?
  • You say today is the angriest you’ve been as a presidential candidate.  Some people would say why isn’t Joe Biden angrier about all this?
  • Have you been tested for COVID-19?  Do you know when you will have another COVID test?
  • We haven’t seen much of Senator Harris campaigning.  Why is that, and what is her role in the campaign?

And other such nauseating butt smooching.

Predictably, many came out later calling out and slamming these Faux Journalist appendages of the Democrat party.

My favorite came from someone on Twitter…”It’s like watching someone make sure a 3-year-old wins CandyLand.”    Hahahaha!

Trump chimed-in…”They were smiles on the reporters.  What do you think?  Take a look at those questions that they asked him.  They were not meant for a grown-up.  They were meant for a child.”

The worst part?  The absolute blithering idiots the Democrats and Biden campaign take us all for.

No.  Scratch that.  The REALLY worst part is that here’s a presidential candidate…who, several weeks before the election…has barely taken ANY unscripted, uncontrolled, unstaged questions.

Because he can’t.  And his campaign is willing to move heaven and earth to avoid THAT clusterf*ck.

Look…There are a million obvious, tough questions to ask Biden about policy specifics…his flip-flopping…several family members corruptly cashing in on his vice presidency…ignoring violence in Democrat cities…his history of appeasing China…his proposals that would jack-up taxes by $4 trillion…supporting policies that would destroy the fossil fuel industry…yada, yada.

I mean, the couple times he did take a few unscripted questions…from voters, NOT reporters…it’s a total shit show.  He gets ANY tough question, what happens?

He loses his temper, he challenges people to meet him out back for either a fight or a push-up challenge…or he calls voters names like “Lying Dog-Faced Pony Soldier.”

Whatever the f*ck THAT is.

Bottom line…and I’m TOTALLY SERIOUS…this is elder abuse, plain and simple.  Shame on his wife and family for allowing it.

But the REAL abuse will be suffered by the American people if this decrepit, senile geriatric vessel for the Far Left gets elected.

2 thoughts on “Questionable Questions

  1. Tom

    Every time I think Biden can’t do any worse, he finds a way to be a more pathetic puppet. Everytime I think Trump can’t do any worse, he finds a way to alienate more people. When will this madness end? We deserve better!


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