Daily Archives: September 10, 2020

Questionable Questions

So…I suppose at this point one might say that my “trademark” of sorts has become poking a little harmless fun at Wacko Lib Michael Moore and his…um…apparent struggles with things like Body Mass Index and shoe-horning himself into miniscule airplane seats.

As one who leads a very healthy lifestyle, I fear a “slight” uptick in my alcohol consumption during the Wuhan virus confinement has resulted in a few extra pounds…and feeling a bit hypocritical as a result.

Her: “Honey, HOW MANY beers have you had today?”

Me: “Just two sweetie pie…the first and the last.” 

So this week, I will dispense with my usual good-natured mocking of Moore’s nauseating rotundness to discuss some very honest and perceptive comments he actually made last week about the upcoming election. Continue reading