Punxsutawney Joe

Who?  Us?  Worried?…said every Biden campaign lackey, nervously.

Their desperation is palpable.  

You can see it.  You can smell it.  Like an elephant crapping on your head.

So…It took the trifecta of focus groups, criticism from a couple of left-wing CNN talking heads, and cratering battle-ground poll numbers to nudge Punxsutawney Joe to poke his plug-filled melon out of his basement womb to FINALLY denounce the extreme violence destroying long-time Democrat-run cities.


In a conversation between Lefty CNN Douchebags Don Lemon and Chris Cuomo, Lemon actually admitted the Dems need to address the violence…BECAUSE IT’S AFFECTING POLL NUMBERS!

As you know and I know, it’s showing up in the polling.  It’s showing up in focus groups.  It is the only thing…it is the only thing right now that is sticking.”

ZERO F*CKS GIVEN for torched businesses and innocent people beaten and killed by the Biden voters.

But MANY F*CKS GIVEN for polling and focus groups.

My God.  That epic amount of hubris would fill the Grand Canyon.

Um…excuse me…But TRUMP was the guy who sent the National Guard into cities to protect Federal buildings from being burned down…and practically BEGGED Mayors and Governors to ask for federal help to quell the REST of the violence.

And the few that did?  Well, THEY saw the mayhem stopped in its tracks (see Minneapolis and Kenosha).

Sadly, the majority of these Dumbocrat Mayors and Governors sat back on their well-padded, subversive arses cheerleading as Antifa Anarchist Animals and BLM Marxists burned businesses, pummeled citizens and police…AND EFFING KILLED PEOPLE!

And then they have the breathtaking gall to blame the ONLY guy lifting a finger to STOP the violence…FOR THE GODDAMN VIOLENCE?!?!

To once again quote the great John McEnroe…”You CAN’T be serious!”

So let me get this straight…after an entire Democrat Convention filled with nothing but amateurish zoom meetings, victimhood, and America-Hating rhetoric…where they never uttered one freakin’ word about the THREE PLUS MONTHS of violence perpetrated across the country BY THEIR BASE…

…a few short days later Dementia Joe is laughably denouncing said violence…AND BLAMING TRUMP!?!?

The level of preposterousness of these types of arguments is positively correlated with Biden’s level of desperation.

Another similar beauty these Leftist nitwits are peddling…the guy who built one of the best economies ever is to blame for the economic calamity resulting from an unprecedented economic shutdown instituted to fight a once-in-a-century pandemic?

Really?  Honestly…who in Sam Hell believes this crap…leg-wetting TDS morons aside?

Look…Anyone buying even one speck of this fantasy of fiction is a f*cking moron.  Full Stop.

Don’t be that person.

Just calling balls and strikes here, folks.

Basement Boy’s sudden “concern” with the torching of America by Leftist Radicals is a textbook example of the icy-slick political tightrope I keep talking about ad nauseam.

Biden and his brain-dead acolytes ignored and/or excused the mayhem, destruction, and violence in big Democrat cities for months as a nod to the desperately needed Far Left Bernie Bro’s…not necessarily the people perpetrating the ACTUAL violence…but certainly those cheerleading it, and wholly simpatico with the “burn the mother down,” and “revolution” sentiments.

Until the polling and focus group weather radar showed a Cat 5 Shit Storm barreling in, that is.



This political pissing in the wind is sure to spawn a whole new Depends product line…FULL BODY PROTECTION.

I’ve got a buy order on Kimberly-Clark as we speak.


In a speech by Biden this week in Pittsburgh that was short in length, but long on lies…where he again, embarrassingly, took no questions from reporters in attendance…Hiden Biden said…”Do I look like a radical Socialist with a soft spot for rioters?  Really?”

Well…since you asked…Yes Joe.  Yes you do.  And then some.


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