Monthly Archives: September 2020


Trump never ceases to amaze, does he?

In the face of massive, unrelenting, and often scandalous resistance…that commenced the very damn minute he and his gorgeous specimen of a wife, Melania, glided down that shiny Trump Tower escalator in 2015 to announce his candidacy…he continues to rack up momentous accomplishments, like Tom Brady racks up Super Bowl wins.

Well, probably not this year.  Sorry Tampa.

We ALL know the long list of wins…yes, ALL OF US…even those Trump-Hating Socialist Schmucks who refuse to admit and/or report it

One thing we can all agree…Trump’s not a guy that rests on his laurels.

So this week…when we witnessed a monumentally historic normalization of relations between Israel and two Middle East nations…United Arab Emirates and Bahrain…were any of us surprised?

It’s been 26 years since anything like this happened, when Jordan normalized relations with Israel in 1994.  Before that?  Egypt in 1978.  That’s it.

Until now.

And several other nations in the region lining up to smoke’em the peace pipe.

Pretty sure that was cultural appropriation.  Oopsie! Continue reading

Questionable Questions

So…I suppose at this point one might say that my “trademark” of sorts has become poking a little harmless fun at Wacko Lib Michael Moore and his…um…apparent struggles with things like Body Mass Index and shoe-horning himself into miniscule airplane seats.

As one who leads a very healthy lifestyle, I fear a “slight” uptick in my alcohol consumption during the Wuhan virus confinement has resulted in a few extra pounds…and feeling a bit hypocritical as a result.

Her: “Honey, HOW MANY beers have you had today?”

Me: “Just two sweetie pie…the first and the last.” 

So this week, I will dispense with my usual good-natured mocking of Moore’s nauseating rotundness to discuss some very honest and perceptive comments he actually made last week about the upcoming election. Continue reading

Punxsutawney Joe

Who?  Us?  Worried?…said every Biden campaign lackey, nervously.

Their desperation is palpable.  

You can see it.  You can smell it.  Like an elephant crapping on your head.

So…It took the trifecta of focus groups, criticism from a couple of left-wing CNN talking heads, and cratering battle-ground poll numbers to nudge Punxsutawney Joe to poke his plug-filled melon out of his basement womb to FINALLY denounce the extreme violence destroying long-time Democrat-run cities.


In a conversation between Lefty CNN Douchebags Don Lemon and Chris Cuomo, Lemon actually admitted the Dems need to address the violence…BECAUSE IT’S AFFECTING POLL NUMBERS!

As you know and I know, it’s showing up in the polling.  It’s showing up in focus groups.  It is the only thing…it is the only thing right now that is sticking.” Continue reading