Game On

Big week.  The Republican convention?  Nope.  Bigger.

This week…brace yourself…you will have the extreme pleasure of reading my 200th BLOG POST!


Eat you heart out, Beatles.

Or stated another way…about 185 Michael Moore fat jokes.  Scratch that…not fat.  Calorically challenged.  Gotta be PC, don’t want to be canceled by the Commie Freak Posse.

Started four years ago, almost to the day, a couple months before The Donald had his way with Hillary.

Electorally speaking, that is.  Ew.

OK, I know nobody gives a shit…I’m no Pollyanna.  But sometimes you gotta toot your own horn, ya know?

As I said last week, I didn’t waste my time watching the Lib convention.  I mean, I WOULD have…but…uh…was SOOOO busy…among other things, digging the lint out of my belly button…I just couldn’t find the time.

I at least watched enough of the post-mortem, though, to get the gist…….

In a nutshell…

1) If Hitler fell into a vat of orange paint, he’d be Trump.  And our Republic will be lost forever if he wins…again.

Sure, grist for the mill for brain-dead Trump and America-hating pukes…but a moronic assertion given the epic level of peace and prosperity Trump delivered…before China F’d us, that is.

2) The Far Left extremists are unequivocally calling the shots, so the Dems stayed far, far away from specific policies…like Michael Moore stays away from kale…lest all the moderates and independents will go screaming into the night.

The GOP talked more policy in the first 5 minutes of night one than the Dems did in four friggin’ nights.

3) The GOP effed-up by setting the bar so low for Dementia Joe…if he was able to simply regurgitate his acceptance speech rolling on the teleprompter…one of the shortest ever…without babbling incoherently and/or pooping on stage, then HE NAILED IT, BABY!!!

Geez, if that’s the standard for being the LEADER OF THE FREE WORLD, then my over-achieving cat Chloe could AT LEAST be Secretary of State.  

So…Do I have all that about right?  I think so.

Now, let’s meander back into the world of policy, patriotism and sanity, shall we?

So…I watched the Republican convention.  Every minute of it.  Shocking, huh?

Considering this brave new world of crowdless conventions, my expectations were rather low…one of the secrets to a happy life, but that’s a story for another time.

Frankly, I was completely blown away on the first night.  A seamless, flowing production, completely befitting of our Reality Star-In Chief…a dude that knows a thing or two about compelling television.

It made the Dem’s snooze-fest look more like a “Zoom For Dummies” You Tube video.

One riveting speech after another by ordinary Americans with extraordinary personal and moving stories of how Trump’s policies helped…and in some cases…saved…their lives.

And equally impactful speeches by a diverse group of future leaders in the GOP….Ex-South Carolina Governor, UN Ambassador and Indian American Nikki Haley; South Carolina Senator Tim Scott; Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron…the latter two African Americans.

Senator Scott, the final speaker of the night, did a masterful job of warning America of the perils of a Biden Administration, controlled and manipulated by the Far Left.

And did it with a wry little smile and a twinkle in his eye.

Our family went from cotton to Congress in one lifetime,” Scott proudly declared.

Blows the systemic racism myth out of the water…right Barack?

Another African-American, ex-football star and Heisman Trophy winner Herschel Walker, spoke from the heart to destroy another bullshit Lib narrative…that Trump’s a racist…

It hurts my soul to hear the terrible names that people call Donald.  The worst one is “racist.”  I take it as a personal insult that people would think I would have a 37-year friendship with a racist.”   

Wow.  Powerful as hell. Off the charts.  And whitewashed by the Lib Media Piss Ants. Thou shalt not shit on the “narrative,” ya know.

But the guy that literally brought tears to my eyes was Florida businessman Maximo Alvarez, who fled Cuba and Fidel Castro’s Communist regime decades ago with his parents at the age of 13.

He spoke eloquently and emotionally of how the Dems are spewing the same empty utopian promises of Castro…free healthcare, free education, free this, free that.

Mr. Alvarez, fighting back tears, said“And I can never forget all those who grew up around me, who looked like me, who could have been me, who suffered and starved and died because they believed those empty promises.  They swallow the Communist poison pill.”

So, night one of the convention set the tone for the rest…impassioned stories and testimonials from real Americans…many African Americans…and of course, Trump’s family…including a wonderful speech by the ever elegant and stunning First Lady, Melania.

The always reliable VP Mike Pence delivered a strong speech as the night three keynote, outlining the long list of Trump Administration successes…and shined a blinding light on an equally long list of failures of Biden’s half century in DC, as well as the Dumb-as-Crap Party.

But President Trump’s epic speech on the final night hammered the last nail in Biden’s Basement Crypt.

In what was among the longest acceptance speeches in history at 70 minutes, Trump hit all the high notes like a violin virtuoso, slamming Biden as “weak” and a “Trojan Horse for Socialism”…touting his mile long list of policy successes…successful coronavirus response…law and order, and support for law enforcement…and on and on.

Introduced by daughter Ivanka, I loved her line…”Washington has not changed Donald Trump…Donald Trump has changed Washington.”

I hope I got that quote right…I do struggle concentrating at times when watching Ivanka. Always been a sucker for brains and beauty.

Ah, if only my wife read my blog, she would have enjoyed that compliment.  To be fair, she endures my political rants in stereo 24/7, so…

Anyway…The GOP’s unconventional convention was riveting, uplifting, hopeful, and patriotic. On the flip side, the Dems force fed the country a dark, depressing, apocalyptic view of the country.

Really…a country they fundamentally hate.


Another thing…When will these Leftist jerk-offs EVER realize that trotting out empty-headed Hollywood Hypocrites…as they did for four nights…is wholly counterproductive to their cause?

Don’t get me wrong…I dig watching Eva Longoria prancing around in tight little outfits as much as the next fella…and while she may be a go-to source for a recommendation for a kick-ass waterproof eyeliner…nobody gives a rat’s effing ass about her spoiled brat, hypocritical, out-of-touch Hollywood political views.

But having one of the Desperate Housewives shill for the Desperate Dems makes some sort of weird sense.

And finally…

That old washed-up has-been Bette Midler felt the need to pound her little sausage digits on her cookie-crumb covered keyboard and tweet the following in response to First Lady Melania’s speech…

Oh God, she still can’t speak English.”  And called her an “illegal alien.”

My only response to this broad is that the wind beneath her wings better be a goddamn Cat 5 Hurricane for even a remote possibility of keeping her fat ass airborne.

2 thoughts on “Game On

  1. Jerry Horvath

    I don’t normally disagree with you but you are way off the mark on one point – you’ve told at least 600 Michael Moore jokes.


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