Ka-Moderate Harris

According to the Lefty cranks over at the NY Times, Joe Biden’s VP pick, California Senator Kamala Harris is a “pragmatic moderate.”

Yep, and I’m Tom Brady’s backup in Tampa this year.  Assuming there is a year.

C’mon, those Commie Pinkos at The NY Times would characterize Fidel Castro as just a smidge left of center.

The Dumbocrat party takes the American public for complete blithering idiots as they peddle this “moderate” bullshit while at the same time navigating that grease-slicked tightrope of simultaneously courting the America-hating, Socialist AOC crowd.

Who even knew there were any moderate Dems still kicking?  Didn’t they go the way of the Dodo bird?

Anyway…Here’s how moderate this broad is…

* A farther left voting record than 97% of Dems in the Senate…INCLUDING Crazy     Bernie and Pocahontas.

* Supports decriminalizing illegal immigration.

* Rejects building a wall on the southern border.

* Compared Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to the KKK.

* Supports Govt-run healthcare FOR ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS.

* Supports the elimination of private health care.

* Supports The Green New Deal and is against energy independence; Wants to eliminate coal, fossil fuels, and fracking.

* Wants to jack-up taxes, regulations, and ban many firearms.


Harris is a nasty, unlikeable, conniving woman whose own campaign for president circled the drain long before even the first Democrat primary.

Her campaign failed miserably because she is an overtly flip-flopping phony opportunist.


It’s like if Mr. Empty Suit Mitt Romney was a half Indian, half Jamaican woman, he’d be Kamala Harris.

And THIS is the person they thought would be a good pick to be one heart beat away from The Oval?

Jesus, that could be like four nanoseconds after the inauguration.

What an epic joke.  This pick will backfire on these dumbasses louder than a ‘58 Edsel.

And as for Harris’s myopic opportunism….If I were Sleepy Joe, I’d sleep with one eye open.  Maybe even a food taster?  But not Michael Moore…‘nuff said.

Middle East Peace?  Just Another Day At The Oval Office…

Go big or go home.  Words the President lives by.

He wrote a book titled, “Think Big and Kick Ass,” after all.  So Trump.

Anyway…last week was no exception, as The Donald announced a historic peace deal…full normalization of relations…between Israel and the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

Even Pelosi praised the deal!  Pigs are flying and hell is dripping with icicles as we speak.

Another Kushner-led effort.  Jesus, is there ANYTHING this guy can’t accomplish?

Isn’t being married to Ivanka enough?  He makes your run-of-the-mill over-achiever look like a slacker.  I hate him.

Anyway…the hope…really, expectation…is that this peace deal will be the precursor to many other nations in the region normalizing relations with Israel.

Which spells disaster for Iran…sort of the point, I reckon.

Peace breaking out all over the Middle East?  Mazel Tov to that!

It all makes me think about the breathtaking nonsense these Leftist jerk-offs are constantly wetting their legs over…



Like Mr. Hand said to his class in Fast Times at Ridgemont High…”What are you, people? ON DOPE?”

Hmmm…on second thought, maybe they have a point.

I mean, Trump HAS screwed us poor bourgeois bastards with the best economic and jobs numbers in history, border security, low taxes and deregulation, renegotiated trade deals leading to a jobs and manufacturing renaissance, rebuilt the military.

Taking a breath…

Crushed ISIS and wasted their tippy-top leadership scumbags, taking on China, energy independence, record stock market, Criminal Justice Reform, Fixed the VA, Operation Warp Speed that will deliver a Wuhan Flu vaccine in months, not years…and now…the beginnings of peace in the Middle East.

I could go on…and often do, as my better half would lament.




My God…on the 1 to 10 A-Hole Scale, these subversives just raced past 97.

And finally…

While I very reluctantly acknowledge the Virtual Democrat Convention this week…I DON’T have to dignify that pathetic, embarrassing, dishonest snooze fest with a comment.

OK, except for this…these desperate liars…who run the gamut from Socialists Crazy Bernie and Alexandria Ocasio-Crackpot to Never Trumper RINO wussies like John “I couldn’t even win my home state when I ran for president” Kasich…were heavy on the “Trump is Hitler” and “America is racist and oppressive” shtick, and lighter than a feather on actual “policy.”

Although to be fair…and we here at The Drunken Republican are slaves to fairness…given the aforementioned mile long list of Trump’s policy successes, they had no other option.




1 thought on “Ka-Moderate Harris

  1. Tom

    Every day, Trump does something good for America. And, every day, Trump does/says something stupid. Latest example is to boycott Goodyear Tires. I just can’t believe someone with so many good ideas can do & say so many stupid things. It’s unexplainable.

    I can’t vote for Biden, but I can’t vote for Trump either. While I believe the best thing for the citizens of the US is a “divided government”, I’m going to vote for Jo Jorgensen, the Libertarian. I don’t believe I am wasting my vote, because 1) I generally agree with Jorgensen and 2) the people need to speak up and reject these two pathetic candidates so that we have good choices next time.


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