Back In Black

Democrats look absolutely ridiculous endlessly crowing about meaningless “registered” or “adult” voter (vs likely voter) polls months before the election.

Of course, the Dumbass Dems have elevated “looking ridiculous” to an art form.

The polls vs Hillary looked virtually the same in 2016 at this point.  I mean…have these numb nuts learned NOTHING?

Generally speaking, polls in The Age of Trump are no more useful than a roll of Charmin.

One thing they HAVEN’T been crowing about?  The black vote.  Quiet as a church mouse.

Ya know, the black vote?  The one that typically delivers an effortless 90%+ to the Dems?

Let’s just say many in the African-American community are waking up to the fact that not only has the Democrat Party done virtually nothing for them in the past 50 years, but in fact view them as nothing but useful idiots they can count on come election time.

Quite simply, a political booty call.  And we all know how THOSE end.

While I do take ALL polling with a huge grain of salt…many polls DO show black approval of President Trump in the 30% to 40% range.  And it’s hard to ignore.

Sure, the Left poo-poo’s it all, but trust me…they are quaking like the San Andreas Fault…and loathe to even talk about it.

Now, nobody’s suggesting The Donald is going to score 30%+ of the black vote…but he could absolutely jump from 8% in 2016 to something in the 12% to 15% range.  This…with a similar dynamic at play with Hispanics…could condemn Biden to his Delaware Dungeon of Dementia permanently.

And oh boy, do they know it.

The unadulterated truth?  President Trump has done more for blacks in less than one term than Democrats have done…EVER…and certainly more than Barry and Basement Boy did in their eight year shit show.

We all know the list…

Criminal Justice and prison reform Obama/Biden failed to deliver, and largely credited for reversing the disastrous effects of a crime bill written and championed by Joe Biden in 1994 that led to mass incarceration of black men.

Billions of dollars for opportunity zone incentives resulting in massive economic development in depressed minority communities…solidified continuing and record funding for Historically Black Colleges and Universities…economic and regulatory policy resulting in record low black unemployment and wage growth.

Before the Wuhan Flu, that is.


Don’t forget the seemingly endless racist and insulting remarks by Biden…if you don’t vote for him, “you ain’t black.”  And just last week, basically saying all blacks think alike, as opposed to the more “diverse thinking” Hispanics…and in fact, a whole history of racist and bigoted remarks.

Further, Biden and the Democrats disgusting tacit support of rioters, looters, BLM Marxists, and Antifa Anarchists striving to defund police and destroy America…and not condemning ANY of it.

BLACKS WANT LAW AND ORDER.  FULL STOP.  In fact, a recent Gallup poll said that 81% of blacks want either the same or more police…NOT LESS, for shit’s sake.

And finally…

In an August 6th article from The Hill, a Biden campaign spokesman said a recent large media buy “will include the largest general election investment in African American paid media by a presidential campaign…”

The largest?  EVER?

Please.  These political weenies don’t piss away gargantuan amounts of hard begged-for campaign contributions reaching out to an overwhelmingly reliable 90%+ voting block unless they see a major crap storm on the horizon.

Most truth in politics is exposed by simply following the money.

This is no exception.

3 thoughts on “Back In Black

  1. Tom

    You’re starting to make me think I should vote for Trump. He’s so off base and desperate that he could drag the Senate down with him. I often worry that Trump could be the catalyst for a Democrat party revival and it’s looking more probable.

    Our political leaders in both parties are so bad, the only solution is divided government. I hope Trump doesn’t blow it.

    1. The Drunken Republican Post author

      Well…if you read my blog post from two weeks ago “Nightmare Scenario,” and if you claim to want divided government first and foremost…your ONLY option is to vote for Trump.

      The Senate map looks so bad for the GOP, they very likely lose the Senate by a smidge even if Trump wins. Not a thing to do with Trump “dragging it down.” Lack of a crystal ball notwithstanding, this is the most likely scenario BY FAR.

      It comes through loud and clear to me your first desire is for Trump to lose…divided government is a distant second.

      Trump winning is the only thing that will deliver divided government. It’s put up or shut up time.


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