Daily Archives: August 13, 2020

Back In Black

Democrats look absolutely ridiculous endlessly crowing about meaningless “registered” or “adult” voter (vs likely voter) polls months before the election.

Of course, the Dumbass Dems have elevated “looking ridiculous” to an art form.

The polls vs Hillary looked virtually the same in 2016 at this point.  I mean…have these numb nuts learned NOTHING?

Generally speaking, polls in The Age of Trump are no more useful than a roll of Charmin.

One thing they HAVEN’T been crowing about?  The black vote.  Quiet as a church mouse.

Ya know, the black vote?  The one that typically delivers an effortless 90%+ to the Dems?

Let’s just say many in the African-American community are waking up to the fact that not only has the Democrat Party done virtually nothing for them in the past 50 years, but in fact view them as nothing but useful idiots they can count on come election time.

Quite simply, a political booty call.  And we all know how THOSE end. Continue reading